Chapter 12: It's for your own good

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Julian is chasing Justin through the forests outside the old world on his horse. Julian notices a dead horse, being eaten by hive grunts. He gets off his horse and swings at them with a sword. The grunts die. The horse gets up, fully infected with the hive. The horse charges faster than anything Julian has seen. Julian followers Johnson's teachings and makes a roll to avoid the charge. He takes out his crossbow and fires on the hive charger. It falls to the ground but gets up and makes a loud roar. Multiple hive grunts come from the forests, Julian easily cuts them down with his sword. The charger charges once more and Julian cuts it's head off with his sword. Julian whistles for his horse and gets back on it. He continues down the path until he sees a cottage being attacked by a hive brute. He jumps off his horse and takes out his crossbow, he aims for some of the hive masses and shoots. The brute turns around and jumps at Julian, Julian takes his sword out and pierces it's chest before it can land on him. The brute's hive masses dissipate to reveal a human. Julian is shocked, and realizes that the more hive mass grunts are exposed to make them stronger. He walks into the house and finds Justin. Justin just looks at Julian. "What?" Julian asks. Justin shows Julian his arm, it's a hive brute's bite. Julian just stares in awe. "Happened when I got in here, before you got here." Justin says as if he were at peace. "There's got to be a cure!" Julian yells picking Justin up. "There isn't." Justin says, still at peace. "There's gotta be!" Julian yells. "Leave me, go back." Justin says, at peace. "Why would you say that?!" Julian yells dropping to the ground and crying, Justin falls off Julian and on his back. "It's for your own good." Justin says. 

Tristan, on Earth, who had set up cameras on Justin, Julian, Sam, and Laura before he left for Earth. He was crying and holding Melissa's necklace. "Just leave her." Tristan says crying.

Julian gets up, wipes his tears away and picks Justin up. The infection keeps on getting worse. Julian's horse ran away in the fight with the brute so he had to walk back to Cliff-Ridge. "Drop me." Justin says with the infection getting worse. "No, never!" Julian yells. "You're always too loud or to quiet, that's why you're my best friend." Justin says. "Don't say that." Julian says. Julian keeps on walking, Justin keeps begging Julian to drop him. "I love Laura because she's like you. And Sam because she's like me. Hehe, now drop me." Justin says. Julian still walks, he's to tired to keep going, but he keeps going. "It's getting dark." Justin says chuckling the infection on his face and chest now. "I can make it!" Julian says.

"Just leave her!" Tristan yells sobbing and dropping the necklace.

"I shouldn't have left. It caused all this. I'm the problem. Cliff-Ridge needs you, not me. I've had my adventure, so go." Justin begs.

"Please!!!!" Tristan yells as he falls off his chair and it deactivates falling next to him.

"Please!" Justin yells.

"No!" Julian yells.

"I need you to stay with me." Melissa's voice echos through Tristan's head.

"I need you to leave me." Justin and Tristan say at the same time.

"I'm sorry." Julian says as he drops Justin and falls to the ground. 

"No, you need to let go of me." Melissa's voice echos through Tristan's head.

Julian grabs his sword, and stabs Justin in the head so he doesn't become a hive grunt.

Justin smiles as he dies.

"But I can't." Tristan says.

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