Chapter 21: Shoot

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"Shoot." Tristan says. "For 43 years you and I have been on opposing sides when it comes to the fate of this universe. I believe it should be destroyed, but what do you believe? I know you believe the opposite, but what exactly is that?" Shadow asks. "Look around you, at those people over there. They're inspired, they're happy. They're living. You created the Multiverse for infinite versions of infinite base species to exist. To live. I believe this universe should stay because of everything that has happened since Jacob Melbourne. The pain is what helps us live, helps the goal you had originally." Tristan says. "You make a good case. But your lies fall on deaf ears, Tristan." Shadow says. 

"Why?" Tristan asks.

"Because you're not living, you're all hurting. I've came to relieve that pain." Shadow says.

"Life isn't about sunshine and rainbows. It's about feeling everything. Pain, anger, happiness, joy, sadness, fear, relief, depression. It's all about life. Not your perfect realities." Tristan says. "If you say so. Now for my proposition." Shadow says. "Alright." Tristan says. "If you leave Zaleth and recall your incoming mechs and I will only infect Zaleth." Shadow suggests. "What stops you from destroying the universe if I accept?" Tristan asks. "I will destroy the universe, just not with the hive." Shadow says. "Then why should I abandon this planet?" Tristan asks. "Because you put to much faith in this pawn of a world. This planet won't help you kill me. They're a burden. I'm helping you." Shadow says. "I decline. If you were helping me then you'd kill the hive, and keep your word, but you won't." Tristan says. "What ever you want. But remember, the mind is a powerful tool, and when used correctly it can destroy everything." Shadow says as it disappears. 

"It will also be your downfall." Tristan whispers under his breath.   

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