Chapter 18: Long road home

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Jessica got word from the old world two weeks after she had sent the courier, and the old world army was on it's way. Running low on food the old world armies are tired and some have even died. "What are we going to do, we barely have enough food to get back and these deserts aren't going to have any food." Julian says to Johnson. "I don't know." Johnson says. "What do you mean you don't know?!" Julian yells in shock. The soldiers hear him but don't care, they're to hungry to care. "I'm to hungry to problem solve." Johnson says. Julian just scoffs and walks towards Tristan. "Can you go get food from Reston?" Julian asks. "I would, but by the time I get back the battle would be over, making food useless." Tristan says. "Oh." Julian says. Julian walks towards Laura, who is still grieving. "Laura, I understand you're grieving but is there anything you can do to solve the food problem?" Julian asks. Laura just shrugs and doesn't say anything. Julian leaves her alone and goes to Sam. "Hon, do you have a solution to the food problem?" Julian asks. "Nope, there's no trees nearby." Sam responds. Julian looks down at his feet and stops walking. Sam notices. "What's wrong?" Sam asks. "Why bother helping the world when we all know we aren't strong enough to get across the world." Julian says. "We already did it though." Sam says. "We had food then, now we don't." Julian says. Sam hugs him. "We're doing this because it's the right thing to do." She says.  

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