Chapter 30: Tristan's return to Reston

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A few days later Tristan reaches Reston. He lands on his special landing pad he build before he left for exploration. It's behind Grave manor. His daughter, Melissa, notices he landed and says she'll call the CEO of Retro Inc. back. She runs outside, with high heels, and face plants. Tristan tries not to laugh but he laughs like hell. She gets up and hugs him. "I'm 81 years old, you're going to kill me!" Tristan shouts jokingly. He hugs his daughter. "I just missed you, dad." Melissa says. The two walk, or hover, inside and Tristan explains the events on Zaleth. "Thanks for the invite, dad." Melissa says jokingly. "You were welcome to come, you said you were busy." Tristan replies jokingly. 

Melissa calls Nicholas and Jasper's son to come over. They arrive at the same time. "Good to see you, Jerald." Tristan says to Jasper's son. "Hey, Tristan." Jerald replies. Melissa, Jerald, Tristan, and Nicholas exchange greetings and the Melissa starts dinner. During dinner all four of them talk, catch up, and talk about old times. "How's rocket engineering?" Tristan asks Jerald. "Great, nice to see you by the way." Jerald says. "Hey, Tristan, why'd you come back? Thought you didn't think we needed you?" Nicholas asks. "I came back because you're right, you guys need me as much as I need you all." Tristan answers. "Dad, do you want Grave industries back?" Melissa asks. "No, sweetie, it's yours." Tristan says smiling. "I have a feeling my end is soon anyways." He whispers under his breath. 

Tristan stays for the next three years before going to Earth.

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