Chapter 26: I already said no

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"I'm giving you another chance to leave." The hivemind says. "How do you know about that deal?" Tristan asks. "The shadow told me." The hivemind answers. "Then you know my previous answer." Tristan assumes. "Correct. I also know what you'll pick this time." The hivemind says confidently. "My answer is still no." Tristan says. "Why?" The hivemind asks. "These people need my help that's why." Tristan says taking his sword out. "Put the sword away this is a civil conversation." The hivemind says. Tristan doesn't put it, he pulls out another. "Fine." The hivemind says. "I'm not going, I'll fight here and now!" Tristan yells. "You should." The hivemind says. "Why?" Tristan asks demanding an answer. "The universe is about to have a war, an annihilation, and it will be divided. You have family, everything and everybody does. You have a grave to visit. Melissa's if I recall correctly. You have a daughter that believes in her heart she'll see you again. One that loves you. Tristan, don't die here and risk seeing your daughter again." The hivemind argues. "I can't leave when my family is here also. I've met many people in my travels around the galaxy, but these people. They're like me. They're like Melissa, Jerald, Jasper, Brad, Paul, Ellen, Caleb, and Nicholas. They're family, but at the same time they're not. But to me they're family!" Tristan shouts. "So you believe you're fighting for family?" The hivemind asks. "No. I don't believe that. I know I'm fighting for my family." Tristan says. "You lost yours, shouldn't you want the same for these people?" The hivemind asks. "I lost mine. It was painful. That's why I'm not letting anyone lose theirs!" Tristan yells throwing one of his swords at the hivemind. "Be that way then." The hivemind says attacking Tristan.

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