Chapter 7: We have an idea

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"We have an idea." Sam and Laura say. "What's that?" Justin asks. "Since Sam and I are sis-" Laura says as she's interrupted. "You two are sisters?!" Justin and Julian ask in shock. "Yes, we are." Sam says. "Since when?" Julian asks quietly. "Since forever." Sam responds. "Anyways, our dad kinda lives not far from here. We know this because he told us he was moving to a town called Cliff-Ridge." Laura says. "How do you know it's in the old world?" Justin asks. Laura points to a sign that points to Cliff-Ridge. "Oh." He says. "Why would we go though?" Justin asks. "He was the previous King's general before generals were disbanded by Theodore. Meaning we can learn to fight from him." Laura explains. Justin and Julian agree to the plan and the three set off.

Since the catacombs burst open a month ago the entire market district was filled with hive, the air masses have started sticking to walls near the entrance to the catacombs. Captain Charles has completely disobeyed orders and has defected, he is now the general of an army dedicated to destroying the hive. Rioting is surrounding the castle and King Theodore is running out of soldiers, so he is ordering his remaining forces to massacre any rioting citizens. General Charles is ordering his men to protect the citizens and prevent the hive from spreading any further. "What is wrong with you!?" Queen Lisa yells storming in. "What?" Theodore asks. "You've ordered our soldiers to kill citizens!" She yells. "Oh, that." Theodore says as he takes his sword in his hand. "Why would you do that?!" Lisa yells. Theodore just stabs her and orders his men to clean her up. They decline. He snaps his fingers and his guards are dead, as if they were smited. "Don't defy me." He says sitting back on his throne and ordering another pair of guards to clean Lisa's body up. 

The path to Cliff-Ridge wasn't long, it was a one hour horse ride, and wasn't filled with many, if any, hive forces. When they get to Cliff-Ridge the town is prosperous with high walls and what sounds like actual people. They arrive at the gates and open, it's Sam and Laura's father. "It took you two long enough." He says. The group notices groups of soldiers and countless citizens. "How did this many people live in the old world if it's like this?" Justin asks. "That's because they couldn't escape. Long ago, before the city states, humanity fought the hive. We lived here, and it was dreadful. The hive do not die and countless towns close to the edge of the old world are filled with old hive. The older they are the easier they are to kill." He explains. "Then how did it turn up in capital city?" Laura asks. "Theodore came to us, about a month ago, and said he needed a hive sample. He said he was going to make a cure, that is how it got there because we supplied it." He says. Justin moves Julian aside and storms up to Laura and Sam's dad. "Listen, sir, you condemned millions to death by doing that!" Justin shouts punching him. "First off, my name is Johnson, and second off, I didn't know it would get lose." Johnson says. Julian moves Justin aside so he could calm down. "How bad is it?" Johnson asks. "We don't know. We were visited by a man from the stars, Tristan Grave, and he said a large mass of hive were there. The reason he came here instead was because there was more." Sam explained. "Then why are you here?" Johnson asks. "We need to learn how to fight the hive." Justin says.  

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