Chapter 8: It or Him?

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In the following month the group has learned a bunch of methods for beating the hive, but tensions are rising in capital city. Theodore is beginning to consider Charles' coalition a threat to the annihilation, and to make matters worse Charles is running out of men. "What are we supposed to do?" Charles' commander, Sean, asks. "We need to purge the market district, the masses have begun to spread to the front lines, and we fear there's another breach in the industrial district." Charles says leaning over a map of capital city. "It or him?" Sean asks. "I don't understand the question." Charles says, confused. "I mean, do we attack the market or Theodore?" Sean says correcting himself. "The market is more of a threat. Have all our men, besides those on the front lines, meet here and we'll attack now." Charles says.

Theodore is also ordering his men to gather. "Guardsmen, we are being faced with the threat of annihilation! We will abandon the rest of the city, and protect the castle at all costs!" Theodore orders. The guardsman are starting to reconsider being on Theodore's side. Theodore can sense that and he gives a show of power by smiting a few guards. "Go and kill Charles' little resistant." Theodore orders. 

At Cliff-Ridge Justin and Johnson are talking. "Wait, so the hive has been here since the beginning?" Justin asks. "Yes it has." Johnson says. "Why don't you take these people and leave and why doesn't the hive just leave?" Justin asks. "The hive is slowly moving towards us, due to their age they can't get to us quickly, they only move quickly when they know people are within a one mile vicinity. They know we're here, but we're not one mile away. Meaning if we leave the old world we'd bring the hive with us." Johnson says. "Why did you come here, then?" Justin asks. "My father, and his father, and his father before him, fought for this city. Legacy, that's why I'm here, legacy. It's all we leave behind." Johnson says. "Yea, it is." Justin agrees.

Back in capital city, Charles is preparing to defeat the hive in the market district in order and then go to the industrial district to see if the rumors are true. Before Charles can actually launch his attack he hears a loud roar. When he leaves his tent to see what's happening he sees his forces being mowed down by the same thing that mauled Grad to the catacomb wall. "Get ranged weaponry! It's too big for swords!" Charles orders. The soldiers follow his orders and use crossbows and bows on the new hive unit. The new hive unit brings in the other one's as well. Charles' men are being mowed down, and then turned against Charles. "Fight to the end men!" Charles yells. 

Theodore orders a battalion of town militia to the market district to end Charles' 'rebellion.' After the order he walks into his room. An old man comes out of the shadows. "Hello again, shadow." A familiar voice says. "Well, if it isn't the man who's seen it all." Theodore says.

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