Chapter 20: Preparations

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The day has come for the siege of the capital to begin. Jessica, and Johnson, had all the armies gather around to discuss strategy, after giving a speech. "Today not everyone will live. Not everyone will see tomorrow. King Theodore doomed this world, he believed annihilation was the best option. It's not. We will survive this, we will win. We won't let the hive win. We will not go silently into the darkness, we will go quit loudly, and deadly! For the next few days at best we'll be fighting the hive. In three days Tristan's reinforcements will arrive. Today the battle starts, the battle that determines the fate of Zaleth and therefore the universe!" Jessica yells in an inspirational manner. The soldiers clap and scream. "Everyone here has lost people, friends, family, loved ones, wives, husbands, children, and anything in between. Revenge isn't always good, but in this case we are justified. Today, tomorrow, the next day, the week after that, how ever long it takes we will fight. We will win because the universe depends on Zaleth now more than ever!" Johnson yells in an inspirational manner. The soldiers are clapping and screaming louder than earlier. "Looks like you're better than me." Jessica said laughing. "I've made quite a few speeches." Johnson replies. 

Tristan is sitting on a hill away from the rally. "I remember when I thought I could sustain the losses. Poor souls." He says talking to himself. Then everything freezes. "Shadow, is that you?" Tristan asks. "Yes it is." The shadow says. "What now?" Tristan asks. "I'm going to make a wager." Shadow says. 

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