Chapter 5: The man who's seen it all

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Tristan Grave brought us to a space ship, that's what he called it at least. Of course the group was confused. "Take a seat." Tristan says. They all take seats. "I don't get many visitors. In fact you're the first, I don't understand why I have chairs to be honest." Tristan says as he looks at a picture of a girl with tan skin, brown hair, green eyes, and wearing a necklace. "I am human, like you." Tristan says. "You are?" Justin says surprised. "Yes. In fact, most 'aliens' are actually humans like us. I've been wandering the galaxy for almost eight months now, and I've learned a lot. There are three creators, protectors, guardians, life bringers. I can tell you, however, they are the same things. Each civilization knew about them at one point, only one civilization doesn't so far. That civilization is called Earth." Tristan pauses. "The three were created by a thing, something I've only seen depicted as a shadow. It contacted me 43 years ago, actually, and that there's a war coming. I'm from a planet called Reston, and I own a company called Grave industries, I left it with my daughter, Melissa Grave, while I was off world. She does know where I am. Any of you have children?" Tristan asks. "We do." Sam says pointing to Julian. "His name is James, we left him with our babysitter." Julian whispers. "That's splendid." Tristan says. "Why do we care about this?" Julian asks. "Oh, it's because it has a lot to do with your hive problem." Tristan responds making a coffee. "Then continue." Sam says. "Well, first, this ship was made from my brother's gold titanium alloy suit, kind funny actually. He's not my biological brother, just self adopted family." Tristan says. Laura stands up and begins to leave. "Laura, what the heck?" Justin asks. "He's just talking about himself not those things!" Laura yells. "Fine, fine, I'll explain the hive." Tristan says. Everyone sits back down as Tristan puts his coffee in his mug that says a few names, Brad, Paul, Ellen, Jerald, Jasper, Nicholas, and finally Melissa. "The hive is a virus, that was placed on multiple planets by the three. The goal was for the hive to one day consume the galaxy, I learned this on a planet called Dorian-5. In fact, this is the only strand I could find. It is extinct everywhere else. When my scanners picked up the signal of Hive biomass I came right away, there were two locations. Here, and a highly populated city." Tristan says. The group look at each other in shock. "What city?" Julian asks quietly. "I don't know, but it's got a castle, a big one also." Tristan says. "We have to go!" Justin shouts in distress. "Whoa, slow down. I'm not done." Tristan says. "Ok, fine, continue." Sam says signalling everyone to sit back down. "I have another planet to go to after this, Earth, I heard there was a group of people in need of a space ship. I will return with weapons for you to combat the Hive." Tristan says as he takes one last sip of his coffee. "Alright, goodbye, Tristan." Everyone says as they disembark the ship. 

"Where to now?" Justin asks. "Either we go deeper into the old world or back to capital city to fight the Hive, either way we risk our lives." Julian whispers. "I have a better idea." Sam and Laura say.   

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