Chapter 17: The road back

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The way back was faced with countless hardships. Food was scarce, the army had to stop for days at a time just to gather food. Training everyone was hard as well. Tristan, of course, did what he could to help but due to his disability he couldn't help much. "What're we going to do?" Julian asks Johnson. "We need to fight, and I know we'll be to weak to do so when we reach capital city." Johnson says. "Then let the soldiers rest." Julian says. "The more we rest the stronger the hive gets, so this is will be the best way possible." Johnson says. "Tristan told me that he did what it took to win, and he regrets that. Don't be Tristan." Julian asks walking away. "I already am." Johnson whispers. Julian walks up to Tristan. "Yes?" Tristan asks. "Are you the only person on Reston who has space travel technology and the mech you used?" Julian asks. "No, it's been mass produced for the Grave industries private army. And space travel was invented a decade after I finished my ship 20 years ago." Tristan explains. "Could you maybe have someone help us?" Julian asks. "I'll call my daughter, but I don't know if she can help. But I'd assume she could at least send some soldiers." Tristan says hovering away.

Tristan goes onto his ship to call his daughter. "Hey Melissa, would you like to lend me a few mechs?" Tristan asks. "Not even going to say hi to me, dad?" Melissa asks sarcastically. "I said hi in spirit." Tristan said. "Well, how many and where?" Melissa asks. "Ten, and here are the coordinates." Tristan says transmitting his coordinates. "I can't go because I got a bunch of meetings, so I'll not be part of the fight. Love ya." Melissa says hanging up. Julian was listening to the conversation in the back. "No hello or goodbye, you're nice." Julian says. "She hung up. Gets it from me." Tristan says. "How long until the mechs get here?" Julian asks. "Well, I'll guess in the middle of the battle." Tristan says.

Julian nods and goes outside to see a bunch of soldiers gathered around. He walks up to the soldiers who are reading the letter from Jessica. "So she needs our help? Good thing we were already going in that direction." Johnson says. "I'll let the general know." The courier says as he turns around. "What's that all about?" Julian asks Johnson. "The capital city army is on our side." Johnson says.

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