Chapter 11: Cliff-Ridge

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In Cliff-Ridge things are a different story, the city has just received word that a large army of Hive forces are on their way. "We need to evacuate!" Justin yells at Johnson. "No, they'll just show up i the new world!" Johnson retorts. "Then Laura, Julian, Sam, and I are leaving." Justin says. He turns around and the rest of the group are there. "We're not leaving." Sam says. "Then I am." Justin says as he goes to his room to pack his things. As Justin is about to leave Laura enters the room. All she does is hug him. "What?" Justin asks still mad no one else is leaving. "We need you." She whispers into his ear. "But capital city needs me more." Justin says apologetically. "Then let's save both." Laura whispers into his ear. "How?" Justin asks. "We find the source, there's something called the hivemind in the mountain near the shore." Laura whispers. "Fine." Justin says as he drops his bags and hugs her. "I know all you want is to save the day, but you don't have to hurt everyone by doing so." Laura whispers. Justin and Laura return and Johnson is smiling. "We got one shot at this." Johnson says. "The hivemind is on the other side of the old world, by the time we get there this place will be under attack by the biggest hive army we've seen. The hivemind will also be protected by the strongest hive units. So we'll have to sneak in to the mountain stealthily." Johnson says. "We, as in us five?" Justin asks. "Yes, us five." Johnson says. "So many ways this can go wrong." Justin says. Everyone agrees to the plan except Justin, as always has some concerns. "Shouldn't we get help from someone?!" Justin asks. "No." Johnson says. "Why not, there's an entire city to help!" Justin yells. "They will have to wait here and defend the city, did you not hear me, boy?" Johnson asks getting a little mad himself. "This city doesn't need that many defenders!" Justin yells while slamming his fist on the table. "This is the biggest hive force we've ever seen!" Johnson yells. Justin just storms off. Laura runs to confront him, but Sam stop her. "Let his best friend do this one." She says looking at Julian. Julian nods and goes after Justin. Justin is nowhere to be found in the castle so he goes to the town. He notices a bunch of knocked over crates, the gates are open, and people have fallen over. "What happened here?" Julian asks as he helps a little girl up. "A man on a horsey knocked me over." She says with a puff. He gives the girl a pat on the back and asks a courier to tell Sam and Laura he's going after Justin. So he gets on a horse and goes after Justin. Laura and Sam receive the news and tell their dad. "Either we wait and defend against the hive, or we attack the hivemind before the city falls. Your guys' choice." Johnson says in response to the news. The girls look at each other, and back at Johnson. They smile. They tell Johnson what they'll do. 

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