Chapter 19: Reaching the capital

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The following week saw almost a fourth of the old world army die from starvation or thirst. Sam's words echoed through Julian's head. Tristan told Julian that Tristan did the right thing and nuked an island, Julian couldn't do that if it meant killing the people he loved. They keep walking for another week. Almost half the army had died, but then they reached capital city. Jessica had her armies prepare a grand feast for the old world army. "Welcome to the front lines old world. My name is Jessica Lionheart, and I am in charge of the force that will take capital city back." Jessica says shaking Johnson's hand. "Glad to follow your lead." Johnson says weary. Jessica directs the army to the feast that was prepared for them. The surviving members ate up the food in under ten minutes. Julian explained who Tristan was to Jessica.

"So that guy is going to help us. Why?" She asks still slightly confused. "Yes." Julian says nodding. Jessica just gives a thumbs up and goes into her tent. The feast was good and the old world army went to sleep right after it. The next day Tristan and the old world army trained some swordsman to use guns. The day after that was the day the battle begun.

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