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I pummeled through the snow eagerly. "Slow down,little one."  I turned around to see my mother. "But mom!"I complained "The snow's fun! Are you against fun?" Mother giggled. "No,darling,I love the snow. But we must get back to the den." I groaned. "Yes,mother..." She nodded and picked me up by the scruff. It was getting hard to see,the snow was falling so quickly. "Mother! I can't see!" I whined. "Don't worry dear,we'll be there soon." My mother soothed. We heard footsteps and started walking quicker. The footsteps were getting closer and closer that my mother started sprinting with all her might. She tripped and I jolted and cried out. "Mother!" I cried. I saw a shadow of a big looking Pokemon. My mother was lying on the ground,unconscious. I heard it roar. "MOTHER! WAKE UP!" I started crying. I nudged her side but she wouldn't get up. The Pokemon came into view. A large shadow fell over me. I looked up to see an Arcanine. I screamed. "HELP!" A voice sounded,questioning the Pokemon. "Arcanine! What have you found?" A short goat lady came from behind Arcanine. I was still sobbing for help,laying next to my mother. The Arcanine grunted,and nosed the lady. "Oh! The poor thing!" She reached out her paw. I placed my ear next to my mother's chest...No pulse...She died...The tripped and hit her head on a sharp rock. I wailed in grief. The goat lady came up to my mother,ad shook her head. "Oh my child...I'm so sorry..." Arcanine looked most upset. He dipped his head in shame and sorrow. I padded up to him,and touched his nose with mine,saying it wasn't his fault. "I know a Trainer who can take care of you." The lady said. She picked my up in her arms,got on Arcanine,and patted his side,signaling to go. Arcanine bolted off. The wind and snow in my face stung badly. Soon,we stopped at a cozy looking building. Arcanine carried us in. "Hoi Toriel!"A small cat dog thing wearing a nurse's outfit greeted  "WhAt briNgs yOu tO PokemOn CenTer?" Boy,that thing talked funny. "Greetings Nurse Temmie. I found this Vulpix next to her dead mother in a snowstorm. She appears to be okay,but I just wanted to be sure." Temmie nodded. "VuLpix appEars in gOod shaPe! BuT TeM wiLl maKe shoOre!" 

Temmie took me into a weird room with a large rectangular thing,lots of lights,and things. "OkAy. TeM goNna maKe shOore VuLpix OkaY!" She patted my head fluff,and set me on the rectangular thing. It was more comfortable than the den's floor. She poked me,took my temperature,and other things. A few minutes later,I was brought back out to Toriel. "VuLpix is OkAy! DiD yoU caTch iT?" Toriel shook her head. "Though I do have someone in mind for taking care of this cutie."

We rode Arcanine to a tidy looking house. I could hear something going on inside. Toriel returned Arcanine to his Pokeball and went inside. "Greetings everyone." A bunch of monsters turned to look at her. A fish lady,a dinosaur lady,2 skeletons one short and one tall,a ghost,and a really gay looking robot. The robot spoke up,"Oh darling! What a lovely Pokemon you have brought back just for me~!" I growled and bared my teeth. "I'm sorry Mettaton,but this Pokemon's for-" The tall skeleton spoke up. "ME! ITS OBVIOUSLY FOR ME!" The fish lady spoke up,"No punks! Its obviously for me!" They all started pummeling each other. I slipped out of Toriel's arms and walked to Sans. He seemed chill,so I climbed up onto his belly. He opened one eye socket. "Ey kiddo." I licked his cheekbone. The dinosaur spoke up,"I guess it likes Sans." Toriel nodded. "She was for Sans,anyway." Sans took out a Dive Ball. Huh...It matched my fur. I touched it with my nose and I went inside. It was big and pretty nice. Chilly,just how I liked it. It shook 3 times,and didn't shake anymore. I had to admit,I was comfortable. Sans sent me out. I shrugged,curled up,and fell asleep on his chest.

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now