Eleven (No Moar Lemon -_-)

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It was just another normal day,right? Yeah...that's what I said. Me and Sans were just walking along a snowy path. So peaceful. I was so excited,because we were Berry hunting! Occa Berries,Yache Berries,and Sitrus Berries. I saw a small Berry bush,lush with Oran Berries. I tugged on his sleeve,pointing to the bush. "Perfect! Hopefully this will make food easier to digest. I know the Pokemon food I've been feeding you isn't the most organic." I bounced excitedly. I crept towards the bush,a small basket,gently picking the berries and putting them into the basket. Sans was off in some grass,hunting for some new Pokemon I guess,so I went on hunting for another bush. 

I found a nice bush with some Occa Berries! I cautiously took one from a bush,and ate it. I put a few in the basket. My ears flicked,I heard a strange noise. I was a few dark shadows lurking around in the bare trees. I shook my head. 'I'm only seeing things.' I told myself. I walked around a little more,looking for maybe some Sitrus berries. A shadow leaped from the tree,bowling me over. It was a Haunter...how unusual. He had me in his hands,and his grip was tight. Haunter licked my face,a wave of shock swam over my body. I howled in pain. Another Haunter came from behind,and covered my mouth. A Kadabra came an used Teleport,teleporting us to some strange lab. A sad looking Pikachu wearing a strange looking collar around his neck used a weak Thundershock on me. "Come on Pikachu! STRONGER!" A disembodied voice yelled. Pikachu used Thunderbolt,actually hurting me.

The Haunter's let me go,and I fell,paralyzed. "Good job everyone." Kadabra smiled. "We finally got her." Pikachu squeaked. "W-What a-are you g-guys t-talking a-about?" I stuttered. 'Well,Snowflake,if you MUST know. We are the Pokemon of a scientist who has been wanting to conduct research on Alolan Pokemon,so we were instructed to see what we could find." Kadabra explained. "Well let's get it over with,so I can go home." The Pokemon all looked at each other. A claw suddenly picked me up and strapped me to a table,my belly exposed. 

No lemon anymore sorry this had to be kid friendly T^T

Pikachu sat on my belly,nuzzling into my fur. Haunter #1 lifted my chin,and licked my neck. Kadabra used Psychic to help Haunter #1 find my sweet spot. Soon he found it. "Nngh!" I squeaked. Haunter #2 licked my entrance,as I quivered. Pikachu walked up to my face,and kissed me on my lips. I tossed my head to the side,growling. "D-Don't touch me." A Houndoom crept into the room,his tail swaying. The other Pokemon backed up,giving him space,as he leaped on me.The straps the table released,I was panting. Houndoom winked,and looked at the other Pokemon,using Flamethrower. They were coughing and trying to blow out the fire,while he nodded for me to follow him. We ran out of the lab,where Sans and Toriel were waiting. "Sans!" I barked,running to him. "Hiya girl! I'm so sorry I left ya by yourself..." He said,wiping blue tears from his eye sockets. I smiled at Houndoom,who winked. I blushed,and licked Sans's cheekbone.

Whew! Sorry that took so long...This idea was requested by @AquaHorizon so here you go.


i'm sorry. i feel the need to reiterate i was 13 and very sad when i wrote this, please please don't hold it against me

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