Twenty (Finale)

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Winter was asleep and so was Flame. I was outside,sitting on the front porch. "Is this a good idea? What about Winter...and Flame? I love them so much but...I've caused too much pain for Sans...He won't mind..." I went into the garage,and grabbed a rope. I walked into the woods,and got the rope over a tree branch. I managed to tie it into a noose. I jumped up onto a rock,and put my neck through the noose. I kicked the rock away,and let myself hang. Soon it got hard to breathe,but I didn't bother to struggle. I wanted-no-NEEDED this. Soon,everything went black.

Sans's POV

I woke up to see only Flame and Winter sleeping. "Hey you guys...where's Snowflake?" I asked. They kept snoring. I shrugged and went outside to look for her. "Snowflake? You out here?" I called. I saw her tracks leading from the porch to the garage,and then to the forest. I shrugged and followed the tracks. I saw her pretty fur within the trees. "Snowflake?" No response. I got closer...I saw her,just 'hanging around'. No not funny...she had hung herself. But why though? 'Gaster...' He must have gotten to her somehow! He did escape he must have haunted poor Snowflake until she couldn't take it anymore...I sighed. "Poor kid..."

Winter's POV

I woke up and saw Sans sitting on the couch. 'Good morning Sans! Where's mom?' I asked. "S-Snowflake...she's dead..." He sighed. 'W-What do you mean?' I trembled. "She hung herself...I found her body in the woods..." He covered his face. 'B-But why?' I was keeping back tears. "I don't know...I think Gaster had a role to play though..." His eye sockets went dark. 'W-What will we tell Flame...He loved her!' I cried. "I don't know that yet...don't you dare say anything about her death. I will speak to Flame." I nodded,and went into Papyrus's room. He was still sleeping in his race car bed,which I had to admit,I admired. I curled up next to his head,and went back to sleep.

Flame's POV

'She's could she be dead?! What did I do wrong?!' Sans sighed. "It wasn't you Flame. Gaster got to her thoughts,haunted her,and maybe convinced her to commit suicide." I stomped my paw. 'I will DESTROY that Gaster...he killed my Snowy...' I sobbed. "Don't worry...he won't get away with this." Sans patted my head. "First...we'll have to confront Gaster about this. Snowflake only saw him in her dreams,so he's bound to target another one of us." Sans scratched his skull. 'Wouldn't it be you?' I asked. "Maybe...he's my da-I mean...No...he is me and Papyrus's father..." I gasped. 'Wow! Really? How'd he get so...ugly?' I asked. "Well...he was working on THE CORE,when...he fell in." Sans explained. 'I'm so sorry...' I murmured. "It's fine Flame. What we need to work on now,is avenging Snowflake,kay?" Sans patted my back. 'Kay...' I sighed.

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