You Want Some Memes?

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I'm a meme machine. I got new memes,old memes,good memes,and bad memes. I got all the memes my dudes. Now before we get to the memes,let's take a moment to remember all the memes that have passed away.

Ugandan Knuckles 

Somebody Toucha My Spaghet 


Damn Daniel 

Bad Luck Brian 


Confused T-rex

Chuck Norris

Thank you for that moment. So,now presenting,Eddsworld Memes XDDDD or my favourite quotes :3

"Classic,stupid,Tom!" -Tord

"You've had that sword for 10 minutes and you've already destroyed the door. Great job."-Tom

"Not all of it!"-Edd

"We should go to the magic store more often! I got a mirror!"-Matt

"Is it magical?"-Edd

"Who cares? I'm looking gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!"-Matt and Matilda

"Matilda stop saying words for a really long time,it freaks me out."-Tamara

"So,whats in the box Tamara?"-Ell

"I dunno...maybe it's donuts!"-Tamara

"Can I call you Daisy?"-Ell

"Pfft who gets trapped in a BOX?"-Tamara

"Doo youu have any donuts?"-Matilda

                                                                 I am trash my dudes

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