Twenty Two

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Error's POV

tHe aMaLgAmAtE wAs dEaD...KiNd Of...sHe wAs jUsT lAyiNg theRe nOt moVing. wHy shOuld I caRe?

Your POV

' head...what happened...?' I lifted my head. 'Sans?' I called. 'Flame? Winter? Pap?' I looked around...kinda pointless. It was endless black everywhere I looked. I heard a chuckle. "gUess yOu wEren't dEad aFter All hUh?" I turned around. 'S-Sans? What happened to you?!' I gasped. "OhH...yOur lOoking fOr SaNs...tHaTs mE! bUt mOst cAll mE ErrOr..." He shrugged. "bUt wHaTever fLOats yOur bOat." I sighed. 'Where are we?' A flash of light shined behind this Error guy. Another Sans looking guy ran forward. "Error! Who did you kidnap THIS TIME?!" He yelled. "Woah cHill iNk. jUst tHis tHing." He pointed at me. 'WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!' I yelped. "Its okay Snowflake. I'm here to take you back to your Sans." I ran to this Ink guy.

We were back in Snowdin...Sans's house. I scratched at the door. Sans opened the door. "Snowflake!"

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now