Thirteen (SURPRISE!!)

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Hey guys! I decided that this book will continue for 7 more chapters,giving you all 20 chapters of enjoyment! Read my other books too please! I work really hard on those too...I mean if you don't mind...

"C'mon let's get you home. Sans is very worried." Toriel led me back home. Sans was sitting on the couch,with Papyrus and Undyne comforting him. I didn't look at him,but walked right by. I sat in front of the incubator,watching my egg. I licked the egg,smiling. I gently got the egg out of the incubator,and curled myself around it. "Oh my dear child...I don't care if I wanted you or not. I will ALWAYS love you..." The egg started to glow. The egg transformed into a tiny Vulpix. But,it wasn't blue and was purple and white. The Vulpix jumped into my tails.

I licked her head tuft. "Snowflake?" I heard Sans's voice. I lifted my tails,showing the Vulpix. I smiled and Sans covered his teeth. I stood up,the Vulpix resting on my back. I nuzzled his arm,and he started crying a little. 

We all walked out into the living room. Sans smiled,and was holding the small Vulpix. Everyone was smiling and begging to hold her. "So kiddo what are you gonna call her?" I thought. "Winter." I nodded.

"Winter huh...cute. Well,welcome to the world Winter!"

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now