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1.6K views...wow...I did not expect this...You guys care about don't you? Now I know what ya'll are thinking..."ファンキーフレッシュ様! あなたの本が大好き!" I know you guys love my stories! "しかし、ファンキーなフレッシュ様!もし彼がジャガイモなら何?!" I assure you...he's not a potato. "しかし、ファンキーなフレッシュ様!もし彼が嘘をついていたら?!" Oh my Asgore...FRESH!

Fresh : Wiggity wiggity what's up?

Are you a potato?

Fresh : ...No...




PJ : I came at the sound of someone being triggered .w.

Fresh : It's Funky,everyone's asking about her and me being a potato.

*currently flipping tables*

PJ : ファンキーフレッシュ様!落ち着く!!


Fresh : ...she's not a potato. I assure you.

Translate this shit on your own. I make your life increasingly harder (⌐■_■)

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now