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Everyone was watching some anime as Alphys,the dinosaur monster,suggested it and Undyne agreed. I scratched at the walls of my Pokeball. Sans sent me out,and I sat on the floor watching the anime. "I-It looks l-like Snowflake l-likes it!" Alphys squealed. Undyne picked me up and tossed me into the air. I squealed and laughed. "THIS PUNK'D MAKE A GOOD CHARACTER IN MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE!" I squirmed and whimpered. She screamed in my face,"OKAY PUNK! YOU AND MY LUCARIO WILL FIGHT!" I squirmed and started sobbing. "COME ON PUNK,TOUGHEN UP!" I burst into tears. Undyne gripped my sides hard,feeling her nails digging into my fur,making me yelp in pain. Sans's sockets darkened,and a single hollow blue pupil was visible. Undyne was lifted up off the ground,and bones started protruding from the ground. "Sans!" Toriel stood up. "BROTHER! DON'T GO TOO FAR!" Papyrus squeaked.

Sans sighed and dropped Undyne. Toriel looked at my sides,which were bleeding pretty badly. She sprayed a Potion on my sides and wrapped me in bandages. I felt much better,licking her paw. Toriel took out a Pokeball and let out a Pokemon. It was...a normal Vulpix. I'd never seen one. "Wow...What kind of Vulpix are you?" I puffed up my head tuft and tails to look bigger. "Relax snowflake~" He purred. My cheeks were dusted a light blue. My body heated up,feeling faint,I accidentally fell over. "Woah woah woah." Sans picked me up. Vulpix lowered his head. "His name is Flame." Toriel explained. "I found him out in the cold. He must have run away from a Tourist." She petted his curly head tuft.

I whimpered,feeling heated. Sans checked my temperature. "105..." He cradled me in his arm. My paws twitched and I groaned. He took out an Oran berry and fed it to me. "Get some rest. Its probably from anxiety and overworking." He patted my head tuft. He sent out Glaci. She nuzzled my cheek,cooling me down a bit. I smiled and nuzzled closer to her. I felt much much better. "Good girls..." Sans whispered,petting our heads.

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now