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Winter was so sweet. She was always helping Toriel in the kitchen,helping Alphys with her research,playing fetch when Undyne threw spears. She loved helping Papyrus make spaghetti but she always messed up her fur. I saw napping in the living room,when I heard a crash and Papyrus laughing. I jumped up,and went in there,seeing Winter in a pile of spaghetti. 

I ran and got her out of the spaghetti. I licked her fur,trying to clean it. "Oh sorry Snowflake...Winter got into some spaghetti! Nyeh heh heh!" Papyrus explained. I glared at him,but couldn't stay mad. I smiled,and kept cleaning her fur. "Oh Winter,what am I going to do with you?" I smiled. She just yipped and snuggled my tails. "WOWIE! Winter sure loves you!" Papyrus squealed. Winter looked at Papyrus,and leaped into his scarf. "Nyeh?!" Papyrus was shocked. 'Heh,Winter likes you too Papyrus!' A little mint coloured heart flew out of her chest. 'Her SOUL...the trait of Excitement! Fits her well.' Winter,leaped and jumped around Papyrus,yipping. 

I took Winter outside,watching her SOUL carefully. Winter looked around,and saw some yellow flowers. She ran over to them,and started eating them. I chuckled. 'No no no Winter. Those flowers aren't food!' Suddenly,Winter didn't look so good. I sniffed the flowers,and my stomach dropped. 'Buttecups...' I gasped. I yelped for Alphys,but no one came. I curled around Winter,and yelped again. Sans came out,and looked confused. 'Sans! Winter ate some buttercups!' I screamed. Sans ran to us,and put a bony hand on Winter's side. "Alphys!" Sans called. I patted her back with my nose,and she squealed,followed by a strange sound. She had thrown up the flowers! She sat up,looking normal,and ran around Sans. 'She just had to throw them up?!' My mouth gaped open. Winter,hopped up into Sans's jacket hood,and fell asleep. I sighed,laughing a little. 

                                                      SORRY THIS WAS SHORT -3-

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