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"So." Sans was pacing with his hands behind his back "You need a new name...Something that fits your personality and overall appearance..." I just sat there watching him pace. He tried different nicknames on me. "Fluffy? White thing? Ice Fox?" I wasn't amused.  I sat and dug in the snow. A snowflake landed on my nose and I sneezed. I started jumping around and flipping,catching snowflakes on my tongue. "Snowflake..." Sans muttered. I turned to look at him. "Snowflake! How does that sound?" I nodded. Much better. 

I was curled up in my Pokeball,enjoying some ice (because weirdos like you eat ice) when I was sent out. I saw a Gengar,Articuno,Glaceon,and a Cubone dressed like Sans. I giggled at the Cubone and he just turned away,blushing. Glaceon barked and tackled me. I wagged my 6 tails and licked her nose. We kinda played around and Sans chuckled. Gengar pulled me off Glaceon and smiled. I barked and growled. "Ghaster..." Sans crossed his arms. Ghaster dropped me. "So,this is Ghaster,Glaci,Arctic,and Sans Jr." I barked a simple hello. 

We were all walking down a snowy path,when a random Trainer leaped out of some bushed,screaming about his top percentage Rattata (#YoungsterJoey4Life). Sans chuckled,"So,your Rattata's in the top percentage?" His sockets darkened and he muttered darkly,"Let's see what your top percentage Rattata is against THIS." He called Arctic,and Arctic flew up,cooing a battle cry. The Trainer sent out his Rattata,which like most other Rattata,was clearly weaker than Arctic. Sans called for Arctic to use a move that I knew,Aurora Beam,which was a beautiful beam of rainbow. The beam hit Rattata,immediately fainting him. We all burst into laughter,the Rattata crying. I stopped for a minute,wiping the tears from my eyes,and went over to Rattata to help him up. "Thank you,kind SOUL." He squeaked. "Hey no problem,kiddo."  I shrugged. Holy Arceus,I sounded like Sans!  Rattata ran back to his Trainer smiling. I waved and he waved back. "Heh...Rattata's right,kiddo. You got a good SOUL." A small teal heart came out from my chest,as a red one came out of Arctic,a purple one out of Ghaster,a normal blue one out of Glaci,and an upside down yellow one from Sans Jr. I smiled,my 6 tails wagging. Sans returned everyone to their Pokeballs,including me. I settled down,and continued to chew my ice.

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now