Ten (Finale)

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It had been years now. Sans was now a member of the Elite 3 and I was his final Pokemon. Sans Jr was a Marowak now and now he had a team of fully evolved Pokemon. 

"Snowflake use Ice Beam!" I beam of ice shot at a Farfetch'd. Farfetch'd actually dodged,using Fury Cutter. But I wasn't done yet. "Snowflake let's try a Dazzling Gleam!" A bright aura admitted from my tails,blind Farfetch'd. He was thrown back,he didn't get up.  Frisk wasn't ready to give up,though,and sent out a Kangashkhan. "Kangaskhan use Dizzy Punch!" I was hit back pretty far,feeling weak. It was MY job,as everyone else had fainted. "snowflake use Will o Wisp and then Hex!" Small blue-ish flames shot at Kangaskhan,burning it. I used Hex,maximizing the damage done to Kangaskhan. It didn't get up...Frisk had lost. "Dang it Sans! I'll never be able to beat you!" Frisk shouted. "Heh...Sorry kiddo. My Pokemon are just too 'cool'." 

Several other Trainers came by,but were never able to surpass us. Though...one Trainer did. Their name was Y/N. They had a really powerful F/P. Hey that F/P actually defeated me,and THAT was all the proof I needed. Battling is really fun and all but spending time with Sans is better. Sure,we battle,he takes care of us,but he seems distant. 

Oh well,never mind my own problems. I'm sorry to have dragged you in to listen. But,a story is a story,right?

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