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Sans still didn't want to be in contact with us,and I think it was starting to drive everyone crazy. "Why doesn't he love us anymore?" I whimpered. "He's given up on us,we must take action!" Ghaster announced. "How will we eat? What about our nice Pokeballs?" Sans Jr asked. "Toriel and Frisk won't let us starve...But I DO miss my Pokeball..." Glaci admitted. "I AM pretty hungry,now that you mention it..." Arctic sighed. "We'll get something. C'mon." Ghaster said and we followed him inside.

I tottered up to Toriel,my eyes big and sad,and my stomach growling. "Oh dear! You poor things! I thought Sans had still fed you..." She patted my head. 

After a while,she had 5 bowls of Pokemon food on the tiled floor. I jumped with excitement and dug in. Everyone else pummeled after,desperately eating their food. Toriel was wiping little tears from her eyes. "I will have a talk with Sans about Pokemon neglection..." She promised us. We all cheered.

We heard Toriel talking to Sans. He didn't say much,actually barely anything at all. I actually peeked in,and saw Toriel laying not moving on the floor. I squeaked,running to her. Sans looked at me,his sockets dark. I looked at him with tears in my eyes,closing them,and using Icy Wind to freeze him. He stood frozen in this place,covered in ice. I sniffed,wiping tears from my eyes,and ran off.

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now