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Its been nearly a week,and Sans isn't back yet. I can tell everyone's starting to get nervous. Frisk doesn't seem to be too concerned,which is suspicious. They've been doing such a good job,though,that I'm confident Sans is still okay. Glaci and me have been practicing our Ice moves,for...contest purposes. I did always find competing in contests to be fun. Frisk has been talking with everyone,Toriel,Papyrus,Undyne,Mettaton,Napstablook,and  Alphys I mean. Its been so quiet,no battles,no playing,no nothing. Though,everyone understands,as I am the "youngest". Toriel suggested that Flame play with me,which I guess was okay. Flame was nice,but there was something off,ya know? "Hey Snowflake." Flame mewed. I snorted,and walked away,tails and head held high. 

Flame looked hurt,so I sighed and went back to him. "Sorry,It was just awkward the first time we met..." He nodded,"I try to be smooth,but I can't. Or at least not that well." He smiled sheepishly. He had a single glove on his paw and a bandanna tied around his neck. "What colour is your SOUL?" I asked. "Hm...I never knew...Lemme see..." He pulled out an orange heart. "Orange I guess. And yours?" I pulled out a light blue heart. "How fitting!" I laughed. A door opened,and a familiar skeleton walked through the door. "Sans!" I squeaked and ran to him. My tails wagged excitedly,but he didn't seem happy to see me. He just nudged me away,and I tilted my head. "We'll play later..." He said with no emotion. Glaci walked in,confused. "He doesn't seem like himself,does he?" She mewed. "No...what happened?"  Papyrus picked me up,and carried me and Glaci away from Sans. I barked and whimpered,stretching out my legs and waving my paws frantically. "CALM DOWN SNOWFLAKE. THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS ONLY FOLLOWING SANS'S ORDERS." I was distraught...he didn't want to see us...did he care anymore?

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now