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Sans was asleep,and I was relaxing outside. Glaci was wearing an old tutu and ballet slippers,Ghaster was reading an old journal with some cloudy looking glasses,Arctic was chewing on a stick and had a bandage wrapped around its wing,and Sans Jr was polishing an empty gun wearing a cowboy hat. I was wearing an old red ribbon around my ear and was cleaning a fake plastic knife. Those strange hearts came out of everyone's chest. I saw mine,cyan,Arctic's red one,Sans Jr's upside down yellow one,Glaci's blue one,and Ghaster's purple one. A strange large creature loomed over us. The hearts started to look glitchy.I didn't feel so well so I called to Sans for help. But he seemed....almost dead. I yelped as I felt like I saw being dragged. My heart was being pulled into what looked like a TV screen. Whatever it was,it was ugly.

A small child with an emotionless face stood before the creature. A red heart floated in front of them. "gIvE mE yOUr SOUL,FrIsK!" He had a glitchy voice. "I will! But let Sans's Pokemon go!" I fell to the ground,hitting my head. I saw my SOUL,he called it,pull back into my chest. Everything just went black...

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now