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It hasn't really been that long. An hour or two the ice started to melt. Sans stretched and looked at me. I jumped into his arms,him looking better.  "What happened,kiddo?" Covered my mouth,giggling. "Oh,a secret eh?" He shrugged. I didn't care,I nuzzled him,burying myself in his jacket. I barked,and everyone came inside. Everyone was cheering and laughing. Toriel was okay,and was awake. She was resting on the couch,and was doing fine. "Hey Snowflake...I have a preset for you." He set me down,and pulled out an Ice Stone. My eyes shimmered,"Whadda ya think,kiddo?" I nodded,touching my nose to the stone. There was a bright flash of white,I felt...powerful. I was being lifted into the air,I wanted to scream,but the pain didn't last long. I was set down gently. Everyone gasped. I looked in a mirror,seeing an Alolan Ninetales in the mirror. The Faded Ribbon was still tied cutely around my ear,and my Toy Knife was poking out of my flowing tails. 

Ghaster smiled,as if he wasn't always,and was balancing on one foot and hopping onto the next. "I think we're ready to face Toriel's son,Asriel. He's got a wicked Sylveon." 

We came to a small patch of golden flowers. There was a small goat child petting a pretty Sylveon wearing armour similar to Undyne's and wearing a single Gracidea flower on her other ear. (My Pokemon OC bcuz why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) The goat child,who I assumed was Asriel,stood up. "Asriel Dreemurr! I challenge thee to a Pokemon battle!" Sans yelled. "Challenge accepted!" He yelled back,"Go Aegislash!" He sent out a strange sword and shield. "Okay Snowflake,lets try this!" I jumped in front of him. I barked a battle cry. "Niiiine~!" Aegislash held out his shield. "Okay Snowflake,use Ice Beam!" A beam of ice flew from my mouth. Aegislash was hit back. "Don't give up Aegislash! Use Shadow Claw!" A slash of shadow flew over my body. I yelped in pain.

Sans returned me to my Pokeball,even though I was fine. "Get some rest...that Shadow Claw hit hard..." I shrugged,not wanting to pay attention to rest of the battle,and fell asleep.

|| Ice Ice Baby || Poke!Tale Sans x Alolan Vulpix!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now