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Sans and I were walking to a Pokemon centre to get me checked out. I had been feeling sluggish and sickly. "hOi sAnS! hOw cAn tEm HeLp yOu?" Temmie asked. "Snowflake is feeling sluggish. She uh...had recently been in some trouble and she's never felt this way." Temmie motioned to follow her. "SiT oN tAbLe!" I sat on the table,grooming my belly. 

A few minutes later the results came in. "oKaY sNoWFLaKe. YoU hAvE eGG gRoWiNg!" Temmie read the paper. What?! Pregnant?! Oh...Houndoom...I barked and growled and started scratching at my belly. "nO sNoWFLaKe! tHiS eGG iS sPeCiAL!" Temmie exclaimed. Special? Hmph...Guess I have to wait...

*Time Skip*

It was a few weeks later,Toriel was preparing for the egg. One night,I woke up and saw the egg next to me...Must have laid it during the night. I curled around it,tears of joy spilling. I yipped for Sans,he came in,a hand over his mouth. Toriel kneeled and gently rubbed the egg.  "Here Snowflake,I'll take care of it until it hatches. When it's close to hatching,you'll never be far away from it." Toriel gently rubbed my head.

Later that night,I was lying next to Sans's bed,my egg in an incubator,keeping it warm. Sans was sound asleep,while I was awake...I looked around at the other Pokemon sleeping,and sighed. I walked into the hall and saw Mettaton sleeping on the couch. I didn't want to think about my egg,and I figured I'd keep a distance. My legs quivered as I looked at the door. I opened it with my teeth,and went outside. It was pretty cold outside,but it felt okay. I walked through the light snow along the sidewalk. I couldn't hear any other Pokemon or monsters around,so I assumed that everyone was asleep. My head drooped,and I just let all my feelings go. Tears spilled,freezing upon contact with the ground. I looked at a forest,their leaves white and blue,and ran into the forest. I found a home

 . I wailed and ran into the cave,collapsing onto the ground,crying. "Mom!! Pleaasee! COME BAAACK!" I cried. "I don't want this! I wanted to have a normal life! I NEVER WANTED A TRAINER!" I screamed. 'Snowflake?" A soft voice called. "Mom?" I sniffed. I saw a faint outline of a Ninetales. "MOM!" I screamed,and ran to her. "I'm so sorry! It's all my fault!" I cried. But it faded away. "Mom don't go!" I screamed. "Snowflake!" The voice yelled. Toriel stood there,a concerned look on her face. "Leave me alone! Your dumb Houndoom RAPED me! I never wanted an egg! I was sexually assaulted when I was kidnapped! Houndoom came in and kept it going,then played hero!" I screamed. Toriel put a paw over her mouth,shocked. "S-Snowflake. I had no idea..." Toriel looked like she would cry. "See these cave? This was my home before Arcanine scared my mother,making her trip,hit her head on a rock,and died..." I let myself collapse,and cried. Toriel kneeled,and pat my back. "Snowflake...It's okay."

                                     WHEW SORRY GUYS I'M REALLY REALLY LAZY

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