Part Two

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Once filming ended that day, Ant and Dec made their way to the car that would drive them back to their apartments. Ant was chatting away happily to his friend, who wasn't really listening. Ant noticed this and immediately frowned.

"Hey, Decky," He nudged the smaller man, who snapped his head up, "You alright, man?" He was asked, to which Dec just nodded and plastered a fake smile on his face.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry, Anth. Just tired, I guess," Dec replied, yawning almost to prove his point. Ant stared at him skeptically, but nodded and stared forward. Dec silently sighed in relief and closed his eyes. The last thing he needed was for Ant to start questioning him.

Around 10 minutes later, the pair had arrived at their destination and they both got out and thanked their driver, Ian, before seperating to their own apartments.

When Dec closed the door behind him, his smile fell and he felt his eyes sting. No, don't cry. You can't. Stop being so weak and pathetic, his mind screamed at him. He took a deep, shaky breath in to calm himself down before slowly walking to the bathroom.

Ant, on the other hand, was straight on the phone to his wife once he was safely inside. He was concerned about his best friend and needed to talk to someone about it.

"Hello?"  Lisa answered,
"Hey, Lise,"
"Hello, pet, you alright?"
"Yeah...well, no,"
Lisa frowned at this,
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
"It's Declan. He's not himself. I'm worried about him. He's only speaking when we're filming, he's not hanging around with anybody on set, I'm almost positive he's not sleeping and I haven't seen him eat in a few days,"

Ant finally let his guard down as he cried to wife over the phone. Lisa was scared. She loved Dec like a brother and knew that Ant did too. For the rest of the phone call, Lisa and Ant voiced their concerns about the weary man.

"Anthony, call his family. Ask them if they've noticed anything different in his behaviour. He hasn't been himself for weeks. Maybe they can help too?"

Ant agreed and, after saying his goodbye to Lisa, he was straight on the phone again and dialing Martin Donnelly, one of Declan's older brother's.

Meanwhile, back in Dec's place, he had finally given in and was currently curled up on the couch with tears streaming down his cheeks. He didn't feel strong enough anymore and all he wanted to do was disappear.

After an hour or so of sobbing quietly to himself, he sat up and stared ahead for a few moments in silence. It was only 10;30am there in Australia, so it was too early to go to bed. He wandered into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Bottles of alcohol stared menacingly at him, almost yelling at him to drink.

Eventually, he gave in and opened the first bottle, downing it in one go. One bottle turned into three, then four, until five full bottles were gone. Declan was obviously drunk as all heck and it wasn't even lunch time yet. He felt different. He felt happy.

After speaking to Martin, both men were terrified about their best friend and brother. Ant had explained everything, and Martin was immediately booking a flight to Australia to check on his brother.

It was agreed that no one would mention a word to Anne Donnelly, until it was necessary, or something happened. After telling Ant to hang in there and assuring him Dec will be fine, Martin hung up and began packing for his trip across the world.

While this was happening, nobody was aware that Declan Donnelly was in such a state next door, that he had smashed several bottles and his hands were bleeding from the embedded glass, sticking out of his skin. He felt dizzy and from blood loss and the alcohol, he fell to the ground and passed out.


Note from the author - So, here is chapter two! It's not brilliant, nor the longest, but it's something. I'm sorry if there's any mistakes at all. I'm already writing part 3, so hopefully it'll be up soon.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Please be kind with any comments, haha. :) see you in the next part!

Ellen x

P.s. The chapters will get longer. I'm currently posting these from my phone, so that's why they aren't very long, but that won't be the case for the whole story. Thanks!

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