Part Seventeen

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As Bob approached the hosital, he felt his stomach start to flip. He's never felt so nervous about visiting somebody in hospital before, but this seemed different. Declan was a dear friend of the Medic's, and to see him so hurt made his heart break ever so slowly and painfully.

Pulling into an empty space in the car park, Bob parked his car and pulled his keys from the ignition and got out. He looked up at Murwillumbah emergency department and sighed heavily.

As he walked in, he was greeted by a familiar face. It was his good friend Dylan Keogh from medical school. "Bob! What a lovely surprise," Dylan grinned as he pulled the slightly older man into a friendly hug. Bob returned the gesture and smiled as convincingly as he could.

"It's good to see you too, Dylan. Been a while, hey?" He replied, to which his friend simply nodded to in response.

"What brings you here then? Thought you were still working on that show?"

" of the presenters, my friend Declan, is recovering in here from an incident a few days ago. The shows been cancelled for this series," The medic explained, the worry in his eyes evident to anybody. Dylan frowned.

"Mr Donnelly? The Geordie lad?"

"That's the one. Do you know where he is?" Dylan nodded and motioned for Bob to follow him. "I've taken over his care, as a matter of fact. Didn't recognise him at all. So, the other guy must be Anthony? Nice guy, he is. Is always asking questions about Declan's care, it's like he needs to know what's going on,"

"Yeah. He and Dec have been best friends since they were 13. Rarely leave each other's sides. Ant is very protective over Dec, even though he's the youngest of the pair," Bob smiled as he relayed memories of back when I'm A Celebrity began and how Ant was always just inches from Dec, making sure nobody tried to hurt him or even touch him.

"When Dec gets hurt, Ant will not leave his side and he always needs to be kept updated so he knows what's happening. If you didn't know them, you would think they were a couple," The two men shared a laugh before they stopped outside a private room.

"Right, Bobbo, this is Mr Donnelly's room. I'll be back in an hour to check on him. You know what to do if anything happens before then," Bob nodded and shook the doctor's hand.

"Thanks, Dylan. Nice to see you again,"

"And you. See you," With that, the doctor walked off and Bob took a deep breath before knocking on the door.


Note from the author -
I am so sorry this is so short! 😣
I have done so much overtime at work, that by the time I get home, I'm exhausted and I go straight to bed.
But, I promised an update (even though I was meant to post yesterday) so here you go!
Hope you guys enjoyed this little scene with Bob.
If I've made any mistakes, I am so sorry. ❤

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