Part Seven

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Note from the author - well, last update of 2017! No fear, though! Plenty more coming up in 2018! I'm sorry if this is a short chapter, I just wanted to update before the end of the year. :D hope you enjoy!

- Ellen x


As Ant opened up the door to Dec's apartment, his heart dropped, his eyes widened and he gasped in shock. Dec was laying on the kitchen floor, his injured hand across his chest, blood still seeping from the wound.

"Oh, Declan," Ant gasped out as he dropped down next to his sobbing friend. Dec looked up, the tears blurring his vision, but he recognised the voice.

"Anth?" He questioned, eyes furrowing as he tried to clear his vision. He faintly saw Ant nod and smile weakly.

"Yeah, it's me, pal," The youner man whispered softly, "I'm here. It's okay, let's clean you up and then we can have a cuddle, yeah?" Dec sniffed and nodded sadly, sitting up with the help of his best friend.

Ant helped him lean against the cupboards and stood up. He rushed around, fetched a mixing bowl and filled it up with some cold water, collected some wash cloths and bandages.

"Alright, Decky, now let me help you. First, I'll clean the wound and stop the bleeding, then we'll wrap it up, yeah?" Ant spoke softly, trying to provide the much needed comfort for the smaller man.

Dec closed his eyes and let Ant work silently in cleaning and wrapping his hand. He felt awful. How could he be so selfish?! How could he do this to Anthony? His best friend! Dec couldn't believe what he'd done. He'd messed up...again.


Medic Bob McCarron was settled on the couch in his trailer when his phone rang. He grabbed the device and smiled as he answered.

"Hey, Anthony," The medic smiled into the phone, but as he listened intently, his smile turned into a frown.

"It's Dec. He hurt his hand earlier and called me. I've patched him up and everything, but I'm still worried. He's asleep right now...but, could you just come over and check him over? Please?"

At the sound of his distressed friend, Bob agreed and said he'd be 15 minutes. He hung up to Ant's relieved thank you's and quickly grabbed his medical bag before making his way to his car.


Ant stood, watching the sleeping Declan while anxiously biting his nails. He was waiting for Bob to arrive. He wanted Dec to be checked over by a medical professional just to be on the safe side. The last thing he wanted was Dec to get ill from an infection of sorts.

While thoughts were swimming through his head, he almost missed the knock at the door. Ant hurried to the door and as soon as he saw Bob, he threw his arms around the older man.

"You're alright, Ant. Declan will be alright," Bob whispered softly, rubbing a hand up and down Ant's back in a comforting matter, "Now, where is the little man?" Bob asked as they pulled away. Ant gestured to the lounge and followed Bob through.

Bob knelt down next to Dec and gently shook him. "Declan," The medic whispered, "Declan, it's Bob, mate. Can you just wake up for me, please?" It took a few moments, but finally, Dec woke up and frowned on seeing the all too familiar face of the medic.

"Bob? Wha're you doing 'ere?" Dec asked hoarsly, his face showing his confusion. Bob smiled softly and brushed the hair away from Dec's eyes.

"I just want to check you over, okay? I know Ant's more than likely done a superb job in cleaning you up, but is it okay if I have a quick look?" Bob explained, his gentle, assuring smile never leaving his face.

Dec slowly nodded, feeling too tired to argue. As Bob unwrapped the bandage and gently peeled back the bandaids, Dec closed his eyes again. He just wanted the world to swollow him whole. He hated himself for worrying everybody. He didn't deserve this help.


Another note from the author - I'm sorry for the abrupt end, I didn't quite know how to end it. :(

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll update again in a couple days.

Happy New Year everybody. I wish nothing but the best for you all in 2018. You beautiful people deserve so much happiness and I hope it gets to you.

Here's to a new year!

- Ellen x

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