Part Ten

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The paramedics inserted an IV into Dec's arm quickly but gently. The small man didn't even stir and that worried Bob and Ant even more.

Ant couldn't help it. He crouched down next to his friend again and brushed his hair back from his forehead.

"You're alright, Decky. I promise you. Everything will be fine," He whispered tearfully, before the second paramedic, who Ant didn't even see leave, returned with the stretcher.

"Can we have your help, please, sir's?" The first paramedic asked with a warm smile on his face. Ant and Bob nodded, awaiting instructions. The medic smiled before speaking.

"Right. I just need you two to help us lift him onto the stretcher. We need to be gentle. Any sudden movements could cause cardiac problems," Ant winced at that, "So, we need to be slow and gentle,"

Seconds later, Declan was strapped into the stretcher and on his way into the ambulance. Ant and Bob jumped in behind.

Ant grabbed Dec's hand in his and held it tightly. "You'll be okay, pal," He whispered, letting the tears fall rapidly now. Bob wrapped an arm around the younger man and pulled him into his side.

In Dec's head, he heard everything. He heard Ant crying. He heard the medics gentle, soothing words. He heard Bob comforting a now crying Ant and all of this this hurt Dec more than anything.

His best friend was in pain because of him. His best friend was hurt and he was in no position to help him.

"Everything will be okay, Decky,"

Dec wanted to scoff at that. How could everything be fine when all he wanted to do was die?! He didn't want to be alive anymore. He thought that was what Ant wanted? Didn't Ant want to go solo instead of dragging a deadwood for the rest of his life? He thought he was making Ant happy!

3 hours later saw Ant and Bob sitting besides Declan's bedside. His stomach had been pumped and his arm had been stitched. An oxygen mask was fogging up every few seconds in time with Dec's calming breaths. The IV was still intact with his arm and pumping him full of morphine to help with the pain.

And Declan. Well, Declan was sedated. He had woken up during his treatment and had freaked out. He didn't remember anything and panicked. The doctors had to sedate him to keep him from causing more harm to himself.

When the doctors had explained all this to Ant and Bob, they were worried beyond anything. Ant because he knew his best friend hated hospitals and wanted nothing more than to cuddle him and tell him it'll be okay. And Bob because he knew that whatever it was that Declan had taken had compromised his memory temporarily and when he remembered...well...that wouldn't go so well.

"He'll be okay, though, right?" Ant remembered asking. He stared the doctor down until he crumbled. The doctor had nodded and smiled warmly.

"He'll make a full recovery, yes. We want him to see a psychologist for a few weeks, but we'll see when he wakes up fully," Bob nodded in understanding, his hand resting on Ant's shoulder as way of comfort.

"Can we see him, please?" Ant asked quietly to which the doctor nodded and lead them to a room.

That's where they find themselves now. Ant with his head testing on the bed with his hand grasping Dec's tightly and Bob had been given permission to read over the medical notes at the end of the bed. Ant was glad to have Bob there with him. He didn't feel so alone anymore.

All they needed now was for Dec to awake and for everything to go back to normal. Except, Ant knew that wouldn't happen over night. They were in for a long road of recovery.


Note from the author - Hey. Well. It's been a while. I'm so sorry. I've been working a lot of overtime at work but I was desperate to update, so, here you go!

Hope this chapter wasn't as bad as I think it is. I haven't properly proof read it, but if any of you spot a mistake, feel free to let me know and I'll edit it. :)

You guys are awesome. Thanks for reading this story, it means a lot to me. :)

P.s. the picture up top is mine from when I was at the London BGT auditions last month! :D  qualities not great because I was recording a video at the same time, so it was screenshotted from the video, haha! :)

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