Part Twenty Eight (END)

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*author's note: well, it's been a while eh? i am so so sorry! i've been losing inspiration, but i've had this chapter half written for a while, so...
i hope you can forgive me.
this is the last chapter sadly :( but if you'd like a sequel, just let me know! :)
anyways, enjoy the conclusion to 'With You'!
sorry it's not that long!*

2 months later, things were beginning to look better. A lot better. Dec was genuinely smiling and laughing again. He was feeling so much lighter and his family were loving every minute of it.

The boys were heading back to work, ideas for the the next series of Saturday Night Takeaway were being thrown around and Dec was loving every minute of it all. Ant was equally as happy watching his best friend finally finding his mojo again.

If there was one thing that Dec has taken away from everything, it's that he now realises just how loved he was. He genuinely believed nobody loved him and he'd be better off gone, but now he see's just how wrong he was.

He still had scars, both physical and mental, but he simply see's them for how strong he is to get through the darkness. He knows he'll have bad days, but at least he's got people to talk to.

Especially Ant.

Dec smiled as he thought of his best friend. The man he's known since he was 13, the man he grew up with, the man he was so lucky to have in his life. The man who saved him.

The same man who was currently waving a hand in his face.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked up. His eyes met those of Ant, who was frowning worriedly.

"You alright?" The younger man asked, sitting down on the couch next to him. Dec smiled and nodded, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah," He said, "Yeah, I'm good. Great, actually. The best I've felt in years," He laughed, all the happiness inside him bubbling up, "Anth, I'm feeling amazing. Genuinely amazing," He grinned, leaning forward and pulling Ant into a hug. Ant returned the gesture and laughed happily,

"You're affectionate today," He commented as they pulled away. Dec threw his head back as he laughed.

"I'm just happy to be alive," Dec answered with a wide smile, "I'm happy to be here with you. I'm happy to be able to wake up every morning. I'm happy we still have the best job in the world. A few months ago, I never imagined to be here right now. I never imagined my life would turn around for the better...and I never imagined having the most amazing family around me. That includes you, Anthony,"

Ant was near tears. Hearing his friend sound so happy again is like music to his ears. After spending months worrying, he can finally relax and be content at night. The heavy pit in his stomach has disappeared and his eyes were shining again.

A few months ago, he believed he'd be mourning the loss of half his soul. He believed to be preparing a funeral, a speech, a story. But instead, his other half is still here, alive and happy and healthy again. His best friend, his brother, was still by his side and he thanked God everyday.

Things haven't been easy for the Donnelly's or the McPartlin's, or for the world really, but every cloud has a silver lining and that for them is how everyone has been brought even closer together during this storm.

Declan Joseph Oliver Donnelly was alive and kicking and happier and healthier and brighter than ever before, and it's all thanks to his family, blood or not. He couldn't have asked for anything else. His life was finally turning around for the better and he was determined to keep it that way.

Happiness is just being with you.

*well. that's it. 'With You' is finally finished.
i genuinely don't know what to say.
when i first published the first chapter, i never intended the story to get so popular. as of writing this, this book has over 12K reads and over 400 votes! that is incredible and i cannot thank you all enough!
i know i haven't been very active lately and i can only apologise deeply for that, but regardless, you guys have always supported me and have been so patient with me.
i feel quite emotional writing this to be honest. this story has been a coping mechanism for me for so long and i genuinely love it. this story has become who i am strangely enough and i am so bloody proud of it.
i hope you guys have enjoyed this book and if you want a sequel, please do let me know!
just one more massive thank you to every single one of you. you've made this book what it is today and i love you all so bloody much! <3

anyways, that's it!
i hope you've all been keeping safe and healthy during this pandemic and i will always be here for anybody who needs a chat!

i love you guys.
thanks for everything.
here's to us!

- ellen


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