Part Twenty Five

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Anne waited patiently for Declan to emerge from his bedroom. Her face was still damp from crying earlier. Seeing her youngest like that was torture for her, and she wanted to just run after him and give him the biggest cuddle she could manage, but Ant beat her to it.

She was grateful to Ant. The younger man was so good to Dec and his family and Anne was so proud to call him another son.

Just then, she heard voices quietly mumbling and slight laughs and straightened up. Seconds later, Ant and Dec appeared in the doorway and Anne immediately rushed over to her son.

"I'm sorry mam," Dec mumbled as he hugged her back tightly. Anne chuckled wetly before pulling away and moving her hands to either side of his face.

"Do not apologise son, there is absolutely nothing for you to be sorry for. As long as you're okay now, that's all that matters baby," She replied, placing a loving kiss to her son's face. Dec smiled and gave her one last cuddle before stepping back and wrapping an arm around Ant's waist.

"I'm okay now, thanks to the best mate a man could ever ask for," He said, grinning up at Ant. Anne smiled and thanked Ant before the 3 of them walked into the lounge.

As they entered the room, Dec went straight over to his nephew, Alfie, sat down beside and pulled him close. "Sorry buddy," he whispered softly, kissing the top of his head. Alfie cuddled his uncle closely and closed his eyes as he settled down beside Dec. The two remained that way, eyes closed and taking in the comfort of each other.

Ant sat down beside Martin and the 2 exchanged a knowing smile and just talked quietly as Anne made cups of tea for everybody. Bob had left a few moments ago to call the therapist to update her and to give the family some space.


2 hours later saw Ant, Dec, Anne and Medic Bob sitting in the kitchen around the table, discussing future plans.

"Declan, we need to take you to your therapist," Bob began, holding up his hand as Dec looked to be about to protest, "We're all worried about you and we know you don't want to see her, but you need to. You're still in recovery and the best way to move on is to talk to someone. I know it's hard right now, but one of us will be there with you if you want us to,"

Anne wiped a finger under her left eye, trying to hide the fact that tears were beginning to fall once again. Ant saw the action from the corner of his eye and, under the table, he reached his hand across and gently gave her thigh a soothing pat. Anne appreciated the gesture and quickly threw Ant a grateful look.

Declan played with his fingers (a nervous habit of his) and looked down at his lap. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Bob smiled reassuringly at him, silently telling him that it's okay and to take his time.

"Kidda," Ant softly spoke, "We can and we will help you. You're not alone in any of this. I know it must be so hard for you, by God, do I know that, but you're my best friend, my partner in crime, my other half! I know you can do this," Ant had to wipe away a tear before more followed before he continued,

"We can do this pal. Together, like we've always done. Please, please don't push us away. We all bloody love you so much and this hurts, seeing you like this. We want to see your smile, hear your laugh...we want our happy Declan back. Please, kid, I love you so much,"

There was silence for no more than 30 seconds, then, a sob. Pretty soon, Dec was nodding and sobbing into his best friends shoulder and Ant, with tears of his own, held the smaller but older lad tightly and kissed his hair once, twice, five times before whispering:

"I've got you kid, I love you,"

Note from the author:
it's been far too long and I'm so sorry.
I will explain another time,
but I really hope you've enjoyed this chapter and I'm planning on updating more often.
Thanks for baring with me guys, you're all amazing.

ellen xx

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