Part Eight

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{WARNINGS FOR SUICIDAL THOUGHTS - not graphic, don't worry - read at your own risk}

As the days passed slowly, Dec's wounds healed up but his mind continued to scream insults. He's barely slept. His mind the only thing he can hear. He hasn't smiled in days. Not even his best friend can bring a smile to him. The old Declan has gone. Disappeared. And there's nothing that can bring him back.

Ant paced up and down his lounge, running a hand through his hair as medic Bob watched him from the couch. They had wrapped up filming another episode of I'm a Celeb and soon went back to their apartments. Bob went back with Ant and the two were trying to come up with a solution.

"What's happened to him to make him feel like this? What could have happened to him?" Ant spoke, not really expecting an answer. Bob sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know, Ant," Bob replied, "Nothing's happened within his family at all?" Ant shook his head and frowned.

"No. Well, he hasn't said anything to me. But when Martin was here, Dec was so happy. If something happened, wouldn't it have been obvious with Mart here?"

This made Bob rethink. It was true. If something happened family wise, they would've noticed it when Dec's brother was visiting.

Meanwhile, Dec was staring blankly at the wall. He was just stood still. His mind was screaming at him to just leave! You don't deserve this! He really didn't. He didn't deserve the life he has. He knew that. He didn't need telling twice.

He didn't want to be here anymore. He didn't want to be a burden to Ant anymore. Ant deserves a better best friend. What was his purpose in this world? He didn't have fun. That was a fact. He didn't deserve this amazing life. He didn't.

Next door, Ant and Bob were lost.

"Look, let's just go see him and talk to him," Bob suggested, "He needs help, Anthony. We need to make sure he's okay,"

That was that. Minutes later, Ant and Bob were quickly walking towards Dec's apartment.


Note from author - Well, this chapter is the worst ever. I'm really sorry. I'm so embarrassed but I promised a chapter tonight, so here it is.

- Ellen x

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