Part Three

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Once Martin Donnelly hung up the phone to Ant, he was immediately on his laptop, booking a flight to Australia to help his little brother. He could hear the anxiety and fear in Ant's voice and knew it was serious.

He tried calling Dec many times, all without success. This was unusual. Declan never missed an opportunity to speak with his family. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

He paid for the flight, which was due to take off at 6am the following morning, so he packed everything up, explained to his family where he was going, then was on his way to the airport.

Meanwhile, back in Australia, Ant and Steve, one of the I'm a Celeb crew, sat down and talked about Dec.

"I'm really worried about him, Anthony," Steve began, "I've noticed him pushing himself further and further away from everybody the last few months,"

"That's not like Decky at all," Ant sighed, "He's barely spoken to me. He doesn't want to hang out with me anymore and that's never happened over the last 25 years! Something's going on in his head and I need to help him,"

An agreement was made between them that they would both head over to the presenters apartment and sit him down to talk. Now. They needed to help him and they needed to do it now.

Declan had awoken by this point. He groaned as his head pounded and his hands felt heavy. He glanced down at the blood soaked limbs and nearly passed out again. He was never good with blood.

After a few moments, he gathered the strength to push himself up off the floor, cleaned up the broken glass and jumped in the shower. If he knew his best friend, and he did, very well, he knew Ant would be over to check up on him.

He was right.

5 minutes after he showered, there was a knock on the door. Putting on his best fake smile, he opened up and found a very concerned Ant and Steve standing there.

"Alright, lads?" He asked, stepping aside to let them in. Ant waited until Steve walked in before following and giving Declan a hug. The older man was slightly taken aback, but, feeling the worry behind the gesture, he wrapped his arms around his friend.

The two stayed like that for a few more moments before pulling away. Ant smiled at Dec and patted his shoulder. The three then walked into the lounge, where they took a seat. Nobody spoke for a while, and it was almost awkward, but Dec broke the silence.

"You guys want a drink?" He asked slowly, only to receive shakes of heads and he slumped back. "Why did you come round?" What is wrong with you, Donnelly? You weren't meant to say that aloud, idiot, his mind screamed at him and he berated himself mentally.

"We're worried about you, Declan," Steve answered, "You haven't been yourself and we want to help you," Dec sat nervously.

"Why? I'm fine. I don't need help," He replied, almost uncertainly, but stopped the shakiness of his voice before it was heard.

"Decky, I've known you for 25 years, you can't fool me," Ant scolded, almost like he was talking to a misbehaving child. Declan suddenly felt defensive and stood up.

"If you know me that well, Anthony, then you'd know that I'm fine!" He screamed, startling the other two men in the room. That was when Ant and Steve knew something was horribly wrong with their beloved friend.


Note from the author - Well, here's part three! It's not brilliant, but I really wanted to get a chapter up before I went to bed. I hope you're all enjoying it. :)

Next chapter - Martin arrives and this sparks more anger with Doolittle. :(

I will just mention that this is all fiction and Decky isn't actually like this! I do not mean to make them out to be like this in reality. It's all made up!

Anyway, tune in next time to see what happens next for our favourite Geordie lads!

Thank you,
Ellen x

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