Part Twelve

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Note from the author: You'll have to excuse my lack of medical knowledge lmao. I'm rubbish at that stuff, even if I have been watching BBC's Casualty for 19 years! But, please excuse it as I'm not an actual doctor nor have I been trained medically at all! 

Apart from that, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As Martin and Alfie arrived at the hospital, they approached a nurse in the lobby. Martin tapped on her shoulder and smiled weakly.

"Hi. Um, we're here for Declan Donnelly? I'm his brother and this is my son," He spoke quietly, not wanting to attract unnessecessary attention for his brother. The nurse's eyes widened before she nodded and motioned for them to follow her.

"I'll take you to Mr Donnelly's doctor. Mr McPartlin mentioned your arrival to us," She explained, hurrying to a set of doors which had 'Intensive Care Unit' written above it.

Even at his young age, Alfie shivered in fear from those words. He knew what that meant and just the thought of his amazing uncle being in there spiked terror into the poor boy.

"Dr Hart?" The nurse called as she spotted her colleague standing in front of a closed off room. Said doctor turned at her voice and even a blind person could see the worry on his face.

"Dr Hart, this is Mr Donnelly's brother and nephew," She informed him, nodding to the two men behind her. Dr Hart sighed quietly and thanked the nurse, who hurried away with a quick 'good luck' thrown over her shoulder.

Martin extended his hand out to the doctor, "Martin Donnelly," He said, "And this is my son Alfie Donnelly," The doctor shook hands with them both before smiling warmly.

"It's lovely to meet you both. Now, I have been treating Declan since he arrived and I would like to explain his condition with you before I allow you access to him," Both Donnelly's nodded and listened intently.

"Right, well, as I'm sure you've been told, Declan attempted suicide and his condition right now is critical," Martin drew in a shaky breath, "However, he is stable and we are keeping a very close eye on him. His stomach had to be pumped when he got here due to the amount of pills he swallowed. He hit his head pretty hard when he fell, so, as a result, he has concussion. We ordered a CT scan of his brain and found some swelling," Again, the Donnelly's winced and Alfie began silently crying. Martin pulled his son close to his side before nodding to the doctor to continue.

"That alone would of been less worrying as it will go down in time.  Now, because of the overdose, this has caused a lot of internal damage. His heart is currently under a lot of strain which has affected his breathing, so we've had to put him on a ventilator to assist him,

"Luckily, Mr McPartlin and Bob McCarron got to him in time. With the right after care and help, your brother will hopefully make a full recovery. We will keep him sedated for the time being until I am happy to wake him up," The doctor smiled encouragingly at the Donnelly's. Martin breathed deeply, trying desperately to conceal his emotions, before shaking the doctor's hands.

"Thank you so much," He said, "Honestly, thank you. You literally saved my little brother's life," Martin spoke, now with a breaking voice. Dr Hart only smiled and patted his shoulder in comfort. 

"You're more than welcome. It's all part of the job. Now, would you like to see Declan?" When Martin and Alfie nodded, the doctor smiled and nodded before gently opening the door behind him. 

Ant looked up from where he was staring at Dec's face and turned to see the doctor smiling warmly at him, "Hello, Anthony. Declan's brother and nephew are here," Ant's ears pricked up as he heard 'nephew'. Had Alfie joined Martin here? His question was soon answered as the 17 year old ran into the room and over to Ant.

Ant quickly wrapped his arms around the boy who he, too, looked at as a nephew and held him as his body shook violently from the force of his sobs. Martin then walked over and placed his hand on Ant's shoulder. The younger man looked up and felt his eyes sting.

"It's alright, Anth, we're here now. You're not alone now," At Martin's words, the tears fell from Ant's eyes and he leaned his head against Martin's shoulder as the three of them just held each other in a strong hug.

Bob watched the exchange from outside the doors and felt his own eyes sting as his emotions got the better of him. The two presenters were like son's to him and to see them both in this condition killed him. He could only pray that Declan would survive this. If not for himself, then for his best friend and family who wouldn't be able to cope without him.

Note from the author: Well, here's another rubbish chapter. I'm so sorry. I know I could've done better but 1) I really wanted to upload tonight, and 2) I've had the worst day today and I'm feeling so rubbish myself. Hope you enjoyed it anyway. The next chapter will be up later this week too. 

To you all who are reading, thank you so, SO much. You honestly do not know how much your reads and votes mean to me! When I first published this story, I didn't even expect to get 100 reads, let alone nearly 2K and over 100 votes! I can't ever thank you all enough for liking this story. If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't keep updating this story. 

So, this story is dedicated to all of you out there who encourage me to write and still enjoy every chapter! You're all absolutely amazing and I love each and every one of you. Xxx

-Ellen x

P.s. If you want more AAD, check me out on Twitter and Instagram - @anthanddec :)

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