Part Twenty Three

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Ant woke up with a smile on his face. Today, for the first time in weeks, he was genuinely happy. His best friend was getting better and better each day. Dec was starting to become more happy as each day goes by. His eyes were starting to get back their usual light. Ant couldn't be happier.

He stood up off the couch, where he spent the night. He didn't want to go back to his apartment quite yet, so he crashed in Dec's place. Alfie and Anne stayed in the spare bedroom, while the others all stayed in Ant's apartment.

The day was going to be spent relaxing and sharing company with their families. Getting stressed or upset was not an option today.

Alfie was the next person to wake up and join Ant in the kitchen. He smiled and took a seat, graciously thanking his other uncle for the cup of tea he was given.

"How'd you sleep?" Ant asked, sitting opposite the 17 year old.

"Aye, it was good. Nana woke up a couple times from nightmares though," He frowned, "She cried herself to sleep too. Think she's been dreaming about the worst case scenario with uncle Declan,"

Ant sighed in sadness and smiled weakly. "Bless her. I think we've all had fears of that, but he's here and he's well. He's got us and he'll be fine,"  Ant spoke and Alfie agreed, running a hand through his hair as he sighed.

"He won't go back to how he was...will he?" Alfie asked after a few moments silence. Ant looked up at the teen and smiled sadly, "Nah, he'll be fine, Alf," The older Geordie assured, "We won't let him. Besides, he's getting better each day. Sure, he'll probably have bad days, but he won't have to deal with them alone,"

They both sat in silence for a few moments before Anne came into the kitchen with Dec following behind. Ant smiled and stood up. "Morning Decs, want some tea? Anne?" He asked, watching his best friend sit down and smile appreciatively. Anne walked passed and pressed a kiss to Ant and Alfie's heads.

"Yes please Anth," Dec replied, smiling softly. Anne nodded and sat beside her youngest son, pressing a kiss to his head and reaching over to stroke her grandson's arm.

"I'm sorry about last night, poppet," Anne frowned, catching Alfie's eyes. The teen just smiled and walked around to hug her. "Don't apologise granny, you've got nothing to be sorry for,"

As Dec watched in sadness, he felt his heart clench in pain and he frowned. Look what you've caused Donnelly! The voice screamed at him, Look how upset everybody is. And it's all because of YOU! If you had succeeded, none of this would be happening! They'd all be happy!

"SHUT UP!!!" He blew, scaring everybody in the room. At this point, Martin had arrived and froze in place. He heard his little brother choke on a sob and stand up before running out the room, knocking over his chair as he did. The crash of the chair startled Alfie, who jumped slightly and shrunk back.

Anne wrapped her arms around him and shot a look at Ant and Martin. The older lads looked back at her and Martin motioned for Ant to go. Ant nodded and left the room to find his best friend.


Note from the author:

Hey guys. It's been weeks since I've updated.
Shit has been hitting the roof and I haven't been having the best time at home.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this part.
The next chapter will be Ant and Dec having a heart to heart and somebody else may make an appearance. 😉

Thanks again guys. You're all awesome and I am so sorry!

P.s. I didn't make it through to the 2nd round of auditions for bgt last weekend but I had an amazing day and the experience was just incredible! Maybe I'll try again next year, this time, I'll pick up my guitar and do one of my own songs maybe. 😊

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