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Third person's pov


Y/n almost swore, on the boy's lap at the high-pitched screams. At the same time, she saw a group of girls jogging in their direction. She tried to pull away from the brunette's lap, but he pulled her back, as his muscular arms started snaking around her waist, wrapping her body tight to his.

As the girls got closer, the muffled screams got clearer and they could hear all sorts of names










And some more muffled screams with weird names that could hardly a normal human could pronounced.

The fangirls scared the wits out of the poor girl that she started squirming under Jungkook's hold to break free.

" j- just don't move babygirl" he groaned in her ears as his grip around her waist tightened.

"and try your best to make things looked... real, okay?" y/n frowned in confusion "huh?"

"j-just follow my lead" he says, looking frustrated. "make yourself comfortable" he added through gritted teeth as he forced a smile on his beautiful face. 

Opening her mouth, y/n was about to argue, but the fangirls had arrived

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Opening her mouth, y/n was about to argue, but the fangirls had arrived.

They came to a halt as they reached the table. A girl with the shortest skirt and school uniform so tight that it hugged each her curves , step up with a huge grin across her face.

"omg ,where have you guys been? It's been like forever since we've seen you guys! Especially you, koo- wait a second" she was all excited, with her obviously forced squeaky voice until her gaze met y/n's who's still frozen on jungkook's lap.

She walked in y/n and jungkook's direction, not forgetting to sways her lips like a total slut does as an attempt to attract the guy's attention. Other guys started staring, but the 6 boys were rolling their eyes. Namjoon and jin even started making fun of her.

Well, y/n's not that dumb right? Scanning the whole situation, she literally started to make herself comfortable. With legs crossed, she leaned into jungkook's chest, one hand on his hard chest so that she won't topple over, not knowing that her face was as red as tomato at this moment.

Y/n's pov

I forced a smile on my face as I just focused my gaze on Jungkook's naughty eyes as he eyed my movement with a smirk.

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