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Today, I tied my hair to the side with a pink ribbon. Lol, my hair is the most precious thing I like about me. *wink*

As I am satisfied with my appearance I went to the kitchen and looked at the clock. It's just 7.20 and school start in an hour, which means Jimin should be here around 50  more minutes. I stare at the clock as I make those calculation, and finally decided to make simple lunchbox for the both of us in that meantime. 

"what are you doing?" I hear my mom's voice  . "I'm making lunch box for me and my friend" I replied, eyes fixated on the stove, still thinking what to make. "we're going to work early, so take care of yourself!" I heard her voice coming closer and finally a peck on my head. I looked up to my mom and smile at her. "I know" I said as I took her hand and kiss it. "bye" she ruffled my hair and headed out with dad.

Rolling the uniform's sleeves up my arm, I looked into the fridge . I smile to myself as I see that I have all the ingredients needed to make my lunchbox.

"done!" I grinned satisfyingly when I finished. Just on time, I heard a knock on the door. Quickly I fixed my hair and grab my back with the lunchboxes before opening the door. "hi" I smiled to the sleepy guy. "hi" he smiled back. I closed the door behind me as we walk to school. 

I chuckled seeing his hair looking as messy as ever and he kept yawning. " why do you looked so sleepy?" I asked as he gave another yawn. "sorry, can't really sleep last night" He said , running his fingers through his hair making it bounce back and looking hella hot in the process.

"you're staring again" he whined  , while looking away. I giggled. "sorry" then I remembered the lunchbox. "ah, Jimin! Here!" I hold my hand up as he's taller than me. His eyes widened looking at the lunchbox, "you don't have to" he said shyly. I shook my head "I made it for you" His lips curved into a really genuine smile. "really?" You nodded. "thank you!" he squealed, taking the box and wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into a tight hug. 

"haha I cant breath!"I laughed, hitting his chest lightly. As we arrived at school, he sent me to my locker. "so where are your class?" I asked after putting away my stuffs and only taking what I need. "it's 2B " My eyes sparkled. "oh really? Mine just beside yours, 2A!" I beamed excitedly. "want to have lunch together?" he asked. 

I really wanted to say 'yes', but then I remembered Taehyung and the gang may want me to be at their table  . After giving a thought, I just said, "we'll see" he showed a slight disappointment at that, but he quickly smile it off. "if you agree, I'll be at whenever you see me eating yesterday" he said as he sent me to my class.I nodded and we parted.

"good morning!" I smiled at taehyung who's had his head on the desk. 

He always is sleepy. I shrugged and just took my seat.

"you're hot you know?" he suddenly said, still staring at me sleepily.

 I flinched. W-what was that..


"I won't say it twice" his gaze turned into his infamous naughty smirk and he turned his head to look at the window.

I arched an eyebrow at the response. I was about to ask him more, but the teacher eventually come in. 

The teacher scanned the classroom and slammed her books on the table, making everyone startled and silent filled the class. " I don't care, I want all of you to go out and find Jeon Jungkook" the teacher said with a furious but calm tone. It's my third day, and I haven't seen or know who's this jungkook guy. How the hell am I gonna find him? and why the teacher looked so furious anyway?

At first, no one moved, but after the second slam, one by one students hesitantly leave the classroom to find this jungkook guy. I looked at taehyung who's showing a bored expression. " no one's gonna find him" he sighed, as he stood up. But what does taehyung means that no one was gonna find him? Does he know Jungkook? I was gonna ask him, but he disappeared right before me. I groaned. Am I that slow and stupid?

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