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Third person's pov

For a quiet girl, y/n stirred a lot in her sleep, mumbling nonsense in her half-awake self.

It is 3.30 pm, the time which y/n usually come to the music room to play either guitar or piano. A boy was in front of the door with a notebook in his hand.

"Why didn't she plays today? " He asked himself as he slowly pull open the door to not cause the creaky sound. And there she was sleeping soundly like an angel at the sofa. His eyes soften at the sight.

Slowly, he make his way towards the sleeping beauty. "Aish, why is she sleeping here" he smiles softly. Unknowingly, he was staring, admiring each her features just using his eyes and his boy imagination.

" W - urgh " his eyes blinked when she started slurring on words as she kept tossing around. She seems like she's having a bad dream. " W-why y-ugh here?" Her eyes were tightly squinted and her hands started flailing around as if trying to shoo whatever is bothering her away.

He smiled slightly at the cuteness. He bend down on his knees so that he's at the same eye-level with her. Carefully, he tucked a strand of hair that gave up on her tight tie behind her ear. Caressing down her cheek, he could see her expression relaxed.

He sat down on the floor just in front her. Humming to few songs as he paralyzed staring into her face and caressed her soft bubbly cheek. She smiled as in her sleep, making him happy

How he wish to stop the time and stay in this position, but the time is up. It's already 4 and he should hurry or he'll be late just like last time. He sighed, not wanting to leave the girl behind. He left a soft kiss on her forehead before making his way out.

He can't even wake her up, without being noticed...

"I'm sorry"

Y/n's pov

I was half awake when I felt something soft met my forehead. I dont even know what it is, but at the touch, I relaxed and cant help but to smile . At first, I couldn't make out what it is, but when I felt somewhat a feeling of warm air fanning my forehead, then I realize that it's a lips.

"I'm sorry" whispers the owner in a deep man's voice as I heard steps walking out the room.

Once the door was closed, I jolted up.

W-what was that?
Did he kissed me?

I slapped myself, feeling my cheeks burning badly at this time. Gosh, who is that? Somehow his voice are familiar, but it couldn't be that guy. It's just impossible!

But what caught my attention was..
"What's he's sorry for?"

I shook it off, as I remembered that I've not yet done something that I've been planning since this morning.

Calling Jimin

Jimin- ah!

Yo, where were you
During the break just now?

Ah - sorry
I've got something
To do

How could you leave
Me to eat alone :'(

Aww, I am really ,really sorry!

Haha it's okay,
I'm just joking ;)
So why are you calling?

Are you still at school?

I'm on my way home, why?

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