Chapter 1: The News ✅

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Author Note: This book is currently being edit. Many things are going to get change or going to get re-written, so read at your own risk. If you do decide to read it then I hope you enjoy it. Also please vote and comment your opinions. I love feedback and I want to know what you don't like.


Bright clear light shines through my eyelids. My eyes shoot open only to close them just as fast as I opened them. I rub my eyes so they can adjust to the sunlight. Letting out a yawn I sit up in bed. For a couple seconds I feel disoriented. I reach over to the nightstand to grab my phone. The home screen is full of messages and missed phone calls. All of them are from Hayli and Ashlee.

Why are they calling and texting so early? They never do this unless something is really important.

I click on Hayli's message first: Hey! Good morning, Ash and I would be over to pick you up in 30 min!

I look at the screen very confuse. I don't remember making any plans with neither of them. Maybe I did, but my mind doesn't work very properly at 7:20 in the morning. I have never been the morning type. I am more like the, go the fuck away I'm sleeping.

I open Ashlee text next: FIRST DAY OF OUR JUNIOR YEAR!

And that's when it hits me. How could I possibly forget about this? IT'S OUR JUNIOR YEAR! As soon as the thought enter my mind I sprint out of my bed. I head straight to my closet. To make the whole thing worse my phone starts to ring. I quickly pick it up and look at the screen. Things really aren't working out for me so great, Hayli was the one calling me.

I groan but pick up with a smile, "Hey Hayli!" I say making my best attempt to sound excited. I am digging through my closet desperately wanting to find something to wear. The first day of school outfit is very important but right now it's the least of my worries. I just need to get some clothes on me that are not my pajamas.

"Hey Em," Hayli says, "Can we come up?." Right now I know that I'm dead! If I don't die from a heart attack, Hayli and Ashlee will both kill me. The blood in me feels like it's being drain.

"What?" I ask extremely surprise, "Your already here?" If I read correctly the message she send me this morning she said she would pick me up in half an hour.

"Yup, Ash and I are in the front door," she says in 'duh' tone. I hear Ashlee mutter something, but I don't quite catch it, "Can we come in?"

"Um, yeah sure, I think my mom is downstairs she would open the door," I tell them and hang up.

Swear words automatically start to come out of my mouth. This day had been planned down to the minute and so far everything was off schedule. Maybe I hadn't really planned it but Ashlee sure did. She has always wanted every first day of school to go perfect. So Hayli and I both had to followed through it.

I quickly grab a multi-color crop top that has 'Never Stop Dreaming' written in black letters across it and the first pair of jeans I find. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and soon their right outside my door. There was no escape out of my room, I was completely trap. The bathroom was the first thing that came into my mind but I wasn't quick enough. The door to my room swings open and Hayli and Ashlee step into my room. They are both are staring at me in shock and I'm staring back at them with a guilty look.

After a very long awkward silence Ashlee finally speaks up, "I can't believe your not ready yet!" She swing her arms at me letting me know that she is frustrated.

As I said before, Ashlee was the one hoping this day would be perfect. She may sound like a perfectionist, but believe me she's not. She only likes the first day to be perfect because that's how she gets all the teachers to like her. She has the perfect appearance to past as one of those good girls, too. She has long golden brown hair and light blue eyes. I know that might be stereotyping but that's what they always think of her when they first meet her. Once the first day is over she goes back to being the Ashlee I know. She has a very strong and stubborn attitude. She can be sweet and caring when she wants but she can also be a bitch. She is wearing a knee length, peach color, summer dress. It goes perfect with her appearance.

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