Chapter 14: Can't Do It

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Tyler's P.O.V.

I carry Emma out of the reception. I put her down right before we reach the limo.

"Get in," I order her.

She looks at me with an amuse face, "No."

Emma is so stubborn. I look at her with a firm face, "I said get in."

"And I said no," she says mocking my face. She starts to walk away, but I grab her. I forcefully make her go inside.

I tell the driver to start driving, he knows where. Emma has been glaring at me this whole time.I think I want to mess around with her for a bit.

I smirk, "You probably can't wait to rip all of my clothes off, righ?"

Emma raises her eyebrow, "Yeah I can wait, in fact I can wait my whole life," she tells me.

I smirk at her and go closer to her. She glares once again to me, "What are you doing?"

I don't answer her anything and just stay there. The drive isn't very long and we soon reach the destination.

I sigh, "We're here," I yell out.

Emma looks out the window. She turns back to me looking very confuse. "What are we doing here?"

"Welcome to our new home, now get out," I tell her.

Surprisingly she doesn't object, she jumps right out. I go out right after her. She gets to the front door and stops.

"How are we going to get in?" she asks. She didn't really tell it to me, she was kind of whispering it to her self.

"Well I have the key," I tell her. She looks at me and then moves out of the door way. I open it and let myself in.

I've never been in this house. My parents owned it and deided it to give it to me. It's one of those modern looking houses and has two floor. Everything looks very spacious. I start to walk around and notice that everything is well furnish. I go into the kitchen and see that there is a back door. I look outside and see a big pool. The backyard is huge.

I notice that Emma is no where to be found. I start to look around and I don't find her anywhere. I go upstairs and start to check all the room. Each one of them is well funish, but none of them seem to have any beds. I go down a hall that leads straight to a door. I open it and see Emma coming out of what looks like a walk in closet. She is now dress in some sweatpants and a big sweater.

As soon as she sees me her face changes to annoyens, "What are you doing here?"

A smirk automatically appears on my face, "What do you mean, what I'm doing here? This is our room," I tell her.

She rolls her eyes, "No this is now my room, so get out."

I give a fake laugh that earns another roll of eyes from her, "No we are married now and we are sharing ther room," I inform her. She shakes her head no. I think this is the perfect time.

My smirk become bigger, "and do you know what newly-weds couples do in their bedroom?"

As soon as I finish saying the sentence she gives me a disgust look, "No I don't and I would like that to stay that way," she informs me.

She starts to walk tour the bed. Before she has a chance to reach it I block her way, "Guess people don't always get what they want."

She gives me a confuse look. I start to walk tour her and she starts to back up. She soon hits the wall.

Emma's P.O.V.

I walk out of a big walking closet that's in a room I declare as mine. The room is huge. It has black king size bed that is has white sheets covering. In front of the bed there is a plasma TV that is stuck on the wall. The room is cover in a light brown color. On the left side of the room there is a fireplace. There are some couches and tables next to the fireplace.

I am now changed into some sweatpants and a big sweater. I am so glad I finally got a chance to take the dress off.

As soon as I get out of the closet I spot Tyler. For some reason every time I see him I get annoyed. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

A smirk appears on his face, "What do you mean, what I'm I doing here? This is our room," he tells me.

I roll m eyes a him, "No this is now my room, so get out." I add emphasis on the word 'my'. I want to make it really clear for him that this is my room, not his.

He starts to laugh, which sounds so fake. I roll my eyes at his laugh. I mean if you are going to laugh at least try to make it sound real.

"No we are married now and we are sharing this room," he informs me.

Please don't remind me!

Shake my head "no" at him. The smirk he had been wearing all this time become bigger, "and do you know what newly-weds couples do in their bedroom?"

A disgust forms in my face, "No I went and I would like that to stay that way," I tell him.

Tyler you are such a pervert, I think.

I start to walk tour the bed. I am so tired. When I am a couple steps from reaching the bed, Tyler stands in front of it. I stop and look a him, "Guess people don't always get what they want."

Cnfusion shows all over my face. Tyler suddenly starts to walk tour me. I then realize what he was talking about. I start to back up but soon hit the wall.

His body touches mine. I bring my hands up to his chest and start to push him. He doesn't even move.

Wow, I'm I really that weak, I think.

He roughly grabs my hands and pulls them away from his chest. His face start to lean forward. He soon starts to kiss my neck roughly.

I once again bring my hands up, but this time tours his head.I pull his head back and he glares at me. "You really want to do this the hard way, don't you Emma," he states.

He grabs one of my hands and tries to grab the other one. I try to free the hand he has grabed, but he had a strong grip on it. He soon grabs my other hand. He places both of my hands in one of his. He brings both of my hands above my head.

He once again starts to kiss me. I try to free my self, but his body is pressed against mine. After a couple of minutes the tears start to stream down.

"Please Tyler let me go," I beg him.

"I'm sorry sweatheart, but that won't be possible tonight," he says between kisses.

I scream in frustration. I HATE TYLER SO FUCKING MUCH! I am going to get raped by my own husband.

His hands start to wonder under my sweater. I am only wearing my sweater, I have no shirt under. I am, though, still wearing my bra.

"Look like someone isn't wearing a shirt," he say with the fucking smirk of his.

He quickly pulls off my sweater. His eyes wonder over my breast. He also pulls off his shirt.

"Tyler let go," I sob. I once again try to free myself, but we'll nothing happened.

"Lets take this over to the bed."

Tyler's P.O.V.

"Let's take this over to the bed," I tell a crying Emma. Yeah, she's crying right now but she'll stop in a few minutes.

I grab Emma by the waist and pull her to me. She tries to free herself, but that only makes my grip get tighter. I quickly walk over to the bed and set her down. I am on top of her and I look down at her.

I look into her green crying eyes. I am about to go down to kiss her lips but before I do, "Please Tyler please escapes her lip."

I stop and look again into her eyes. She truly looked terrified. Something in me said, You can't do this to her, at least not now Tyler. My body seemed to have listened to this voice because I get up and walk out of the room.

I can't do it! Something about her stops me, everytime. I've had sex so many times with so many different girls, so why can't I do it with her. Something always stops me, her pleads.


Sorry I uploaded it so late! Its almost midnight. Please comment and vote. I need some feedback.

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