Chapter 9: First Impression

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He give a small chuckle, "Why does he think we are in love?" he asks.

I look down to hide my blushing face, "Because my mom told him we were," I tell him. I look up at him and his smirk look so evil.

"Okay, I will pretend to be in love with you today" he says looking at the teacher.

"There is just one thing you really need to do," I tell him, looking at him serious.

"Yeah and what's that."

"You need to give him a good first impression," I say. I really do hope he gives a good impression. I hope he thinks I am marring a perfect guy. I mean I don't want him thinking that I am marring a freaking jerk. He raises his eyebrow at me, which I give a doubting look.

"We also have to convince him we are in love, right?" he says. I give him a awkward smile and nod. For the rest of class we don't talk. He occasionally glances over at me, but I don't look back. The bell finally rings, but neither of us move. Everyone in the class leaves and a couple of girls look at Tyler, which he returns with a seductive smile. I just roll my eyes.

After the whole class leaves, Mrs. Johnson glaces at both of us, "Do you two need any help?"

"Um, no we are going to leave now," Tyler answers her. He stands up and grabs my hand. I stand up and start to walk with him. He lets go of my hand as soon as we are out of the classroom. "Okay now tell me what I have to do?" He says looking over at me.

I look back at him, "Um okay, we need to convince my brother we are the perfect couple and that we are in love," I say and then I remember something, "Oh and please, please give him a good impression of you." I glance up at him and I look right into his neck and cheek.

I looks down at me and notices where I'm looking, "What?" he asks confuse.

I roll my eyes, "You have lipstick on your cheek and neck, Tyler," I say making it sound obvious.

"Well we can just tell him you did that," he says smirking.

I roll my eyes once again, "No you can't"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't wear lipstick, specially red lipstick, and he would get pissed at me if he knew I ever did that."

He stops walking and I stop as well, "Well how I'm I suppose to get this us," motioning tours his neck and cheek.

There is only one real way to take the lipstick off completely, but that resource is not available right now, so we need to go the the next best option. "There is only one way right now that would take almost everything out," I tell him.

He gives me doubtful look, "And what is that?"

"Saliva," I tell him trying not to laugh. I fine it funny that he would actually let me put some saliva on him just to have the lipstick come out.

"Okay fine," he agrees, "I've had much worse things on me." He smirks and I now what he is talking about instantly. I shiver in disgust.

I put  bit of saliva on my thumb and start to take the lipstick off. After about two minutes of doing this almost all of the lipstick is off. "Okay almost all of it is off, it's looks okay, though," I tell him.

"Okay, thanks lets go now," he says and begins to walk  the opposite direction.

I look at him confuse, "Where are you going?"

"To my car, are you coming?" he tells me. I completely forgot that he had a car, idiot. Of course he has a car! He is the son of some rich people.

"Um, yeah," I tell him and we begin to walk tour his car. As we go tour the parking lot we encounter some girls that give me dirty looks. I don't think anyone in school, other than Ashlee and Hayli, knows about our marriage. We finally reach his car and we get in. Tyler turns the car on and drives off.

We reach my house in about 5 minutes and he parks in the driveway. We get out and we start to walk tours the house. I suddenly stop and grab his elbow to stop him also.

He turns back to look at me, "What?"

"Remember we need to be a perfect couple that is in love," I tell him.

He nods and smirks, "I know, I know," he says in a smart ass voice.

I give him one last glace, "Okay lets go."

I walk up to the door and I look back at him. I open the door and step in. Tyler steps in right behind me and grabs me from the waist. He pulls me back on to him and I feel my back pressed against his chest and stomach.

James comes out of the living room and looks at me and Tyler. Tyler acts like he doesn't see him and gives me kiss on the cheek. The position we are in and Tyler's action totally makes me so uncomfortable, but I don't say or do anything because James is watching us.

I smile at him and he smiles back. I playfully hit Tyler in the arm and say, "Tyler look it's my brother, James."

Tyler's P.O.V.

I've notice the second we came in the house that Emma's brother was in the living room. Since Emma told me that we were suppose to look in love, my acting skills came on. I grabed Emma by the waist and pulled her to me. I intentionally kiss Emma on the cheek just to piss her off, and I know accomplish that. She doesn't do anything though because her brother walks into the room. I lay my head down on her shoulder and she hits me in the arms to let me know that her brother is there, even though I already know that.

I put my head up and see a man about my size standing in front of us. I smile at him and extant one of my hand out, still having the other one around Emma's waist. He grabs my hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Tyler."

He shake my hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm James." James looks much older than Emma, maybe 5 to 10 years older. I suddenly see two little kids run out of the living room. They both run straight to Emma yelling, "Auntie Emma!"

They both hug her and this makes my arm unwrap around her. Emma nelts down and hugs them both, "Ella, Michael!" Ella looks like she's about 3 and Michael looks about 5 or 6. Michael suddenly looks up at me and I smile. He smiles back and look at Emma, "Auntie Emma, who is that?" he asks pointing up at him.

Emma look up at me and stands up carrying Ella. She is about to answer, but I beat her to it. I nelt down to the ground, "Well I'm Tyler, Emma's boyfriend" I tell him.

He gives a disgust face, looks up at her, and starts to giggle,"Ewwww." James, Emma, and I all start to laugh. I remember doing this whenever someone told me they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I just founded so disgusting, I think every little kid does.

I suddenly hear Ella start to talk, "So you kwiss?" she says disgusted. I stand up and take her from Emma. I look at her, "Yeah we do kiss." I look back at Emma and I know what I'm going to do next would totally pissed her off, but she won't be able to do anything about it, which makes it ten times funnier. "Like this," I tell her and I lean in and kiss her on the lips. I caught her by surprise because she doesn't pull back. I can feel her tense up.

Emma's P.O.V.

Tyler kissed me, Tyler Evans kissed me! I feel the anger start to rise up from under me. I can't do anything about it though. I have a feeling he is doing all this in purpose. I don't pull back from the kiss because James is watching us. I start to kiss him back, trying to make it seem as normal as possible. After a few seconds Tyler pulls back and Michael and Ella both start to scream 'Ewwww.' Tyler laughs as Ella says ew.

James clears his throat and we both look at him. He look at both of us serious. Great, Tyler has such a great first impression. Tyler puts down Ella and Micheal and her run off. I was really surprise when they came running in, tours me.

My mom and Lisa, James wife, comes in the room. I go up to Lisa and give her a hug. Tyler comes and stands next to me. "Oh Lisa, this is Tyler, my fiancé," I say chocking on the last word. Tyler extends his hand and shakes it.

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