Epilogue: Part 1

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When I first saw Logan and Brysen I was in awe. This is another time I am in awe. I had created another human being and she was beautiful.

Arden Grace Evans

I had spent the last 5 years dealing with 3 boys and I needed a girl. After begging and begging Tyler he had finally given in. Now I was holding this precious little girl. She was asleep right now, but so far she hadn't open her eyes.

I had given birth a couple of hours ago and Tyler was finally going to go get the boys so they could meet their little sister.

Tyler's head suddenly popped in through the door. He smiled at me and I smiled back, "Hey there here." He open the door a little wider and in came Logan and Brysen, who both had wondering eyes.

Logan and Brysen are both 5 now and they look very a like. They have big sea green eye and light brown hair. They got my eyes but Tyler's hair. They also are very spoil by everyone, but thankfully they are not brats.

They both smile hugely when they see me showing both of their prominent dimples, "Mommy!"

I smile as they run nest to me, "Hey," I say back. Tyler chuckles and walks towards me.

Logan looks down at Arden, "Who's baby is that?"

I look at him, "That's your baby sister," I tell both of them sweetly.

Both of their eyes light up with excitement, "Really? She is so cute!" Brysen says.

Brysen and Logan have very different personalities. They both are very mischievous, but Brysen can be more sweeter. Brysen also likes things to go his way. Logan is your silly one. Who often comes out with the most random things. I hope and pray that neither of them turns out to be like Tyler when he was a teenager.

"Yeah she is," I tell him. I look at Tyler, who has been awfully quite. Just sitting on a couch and smiling at us.

Tyler is now 22 and he is nothing like he used to be when he was 17. He has become a whole different person.

"Why are you so quite?" I ask playfully.

He chuckles and stand up, "I'm just thinking how on earth did I get so lucky to have this wonderful family." I can't help myself but to have a big smile on my face.

"You can thank our fathers," I replie. After everything that has happen we just think of the deal as a big wonderful mistake.

He smiles and bends down and takes Arden from me. He kisses her temple, "I love you baby girl." He is looking and holding her like she is the most precious baby girl ever. My three children are my precious things. I would do anything for them.

He suddenly looks up at me with wide eyes, "Her eyes are blue!" He says in excitment.

I smile at him. He brings her down to my view point so I could see her beautiful blue eyes. They were exactly like Tyler's, a bright electric blue. I had really be hoping Tyler's beautiful blue eyes would show up. Eyes like those couldn't go to waste.

"You welcome," he says. I playfully rolled my eyes at him, he knew I had wished she would come out with his eyes. He still could be so self-conscious and he still had an ego. He also knew he was the reason she had blue eyes, obviously because he was the only one with blue eyes.


Two Years Later

"Come on guys we need to go!" Tyler yells through out the whole house. He came in the room with Arden in his arms. He whispered something in her ear and he set her down.

She came running towards me, "Come on mommy!" She wraps her tiny fingers around my hand and starts to pull me.

I laugh and pick her up to set her on the bed. I set a kiss on her temple, "Ok, baby, let mommy put her shoes on," I quickly put my heals on and stand up.

Tyler comes over to me, "How do you manage to look so beautiful?" He questions. I laugh and he pecks my lips.

Brysen and Logan come into the room both dressed in identical black suites. Logan smiles, "We're ready!"

I smile at them, "Ok, lets go them bacause we are already late!" I yell out. I pick Arden up and follow Tyler out the door.


Here is the epilogue, it's kinda short but it's going to have more part! This is NOT the complete end of the book! I also want to know what your feelings about a sequel for this book is, so please tell me your opinion!

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