Chapter 34: Evil Is All He Is

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It's incredible how things can go from great to horrible in a couple seconds. All your world can change. You may be safe one second and in great danger the next. This is the exact thing that happened to me. I was walking to science class when I felt someone hand on my face. I tried to free myself but then everything went black. I was trapped in a world of darkness. I had no idea who the person was and it was very inconvenient that no one else was in the hallway, since I was running late to class. The only thing that was going through my mind was, my babies!


After what felt like a very long time I finally woke up. I had no idea who I was with or where I was. That all changed when I saw my kidnapper walk through the door. He is on the phone with Tyler right now. Thankfully he hadn't done anything to me when I was passed out. The only thing he did to was tie my arms behind my back, but other than that everything was good. I was sitting on bed and trying to escape is kinda useless, considering the huge bump I have.

I am glad that Tyler knows I'm gone. I figured that Hayli must have called him when in didn't show up. Hayli has a big problem and I was kinda upset that I wasn't there for her. After he says, "I can't promise anything, I need to finish my talk with her now, bye Tyler," he hangs up and looks at me.

Luke stared back at me with evil lingering in his dark brown eyes. It's truly incredible how much evil is hiding behind those eyes. The ones I have always feared. They are full of deception, too. They were the once that trapped me with him. The ones that made a whole chapter in my life. A chapter that no matter how hard I try to forget, it is never going to be forgotten.

It's simply going to stay there forever, but somehow my mind doesn't seem to really understand it, because I'm always going to try to forget it. That's just how the mind works. It tries to forget the bad memories but you know that in the back of your mind they are always there. Waiting for you to remember them just so they can fuck up your mood. The bad memories are just as important as the good ones. They tell your life. Bad memories also seem to be the ones you are more likely not to forget. It's logic really. Think about all the good memories. Now think about the bad ones. I can almost guarantee that bad ones are more easy to remember, at least they are for me. Those bad memories are always going to be with me.

It's something that I will have to live with. Parts of my life that would always define me. Something I have always tried to hide but really I am an open book. If they really knew me, they would see right through all the walls I have tried setting up so they can't get to me. And if they get to me they would see how fucked up my life has always been.

They would see all the lies I have told to cover up my past. Most specifically the past I had with Luke. How I was so blinded with 'love' for him that I will do anything. Love is what I thought I felt but in reality it was fear, nothing but fear. I feared he would harm me, like the many times he had. Those too, are a bunch of bad memories. The ones that hurt to much.

All the punches, kicks, and shoves left a broken girl. A girl that felt to much pain and fear. That girl was also to scared to do anything about it, to fight the emptiness inside of her. I was scare for my life because something inside me told me he was capable of killing.

Luke started walking towards me, pulling a chair in the process. He placed the chair right in front of me. He sat down with the same expression as before. "Emma, Emma, Emma," he said in a mocking way. The smirk never leaving his lips. "Why don't I catch you up on my life?," he announces after a long pause. He still scares me, even after so long. His words are what scare me the most. He can be very manipulative. You never know what can come out of his mouth.

I stare back at him with a blank expression. I seriously don't want to know about his life. I'm sure it hasn't been anything good. I don't dare to reply though. I would never disagree with him. I learned this lesson the hard way.

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