Chapter 15: Honeymoon

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Once Tyler left the room I got up and grabbed my sweater. I go straight into bed and just lay there. I am no longer crying, but my whole body feels numb. I am still trying to process everything that happened a few minutes ago.

I really did belief that Tyler was going to like rape me, but he didn't. He simply got up and left the room. Tyler is still not back.

I quickly glace at the clock that is next to me. It's so late, 1:45. All the tiredness I felt is slowly coming back. I lay in the bed with a blank mind and slowly the world starts to turn to black.

I feel someone shaking me and telling me to wake up. I slowly open my eyes and see my mom there. 

I squint my eyes looking at her confused. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"You need to get ready right now," my mom orders me.

I am more confuse right now, "Why?"

"Just come downstairs ok," she says and walks out of the room.

I slowly get up and put on some sandals I found near the bed. I go down the hall and down the stairs. I see my parents and Tyler's parents sitting down in the couch.

Tyler though in no where to be found. I don't mind at all after what he tried to do last night. I don't think I would ever be alone in a room with him.

I sit down in the couch and look at all of them confuse. "Where's Tyler, honey," my dad asks me.

What I'm I suppose to tell them. Tyler now being my husband we need to follow the rules.

"Um, I don't know, let me look in the kitchen," I tell them. I get up and walk tour the kitchen. Tyler isn't there though. I start to look around until I decide to call him.

"Hello," I hear the a voice pickup. The voice sounds really out of breath.

"Tyler where are you?," I ask quietly. I can't speak to loud because my parents and his are in the other room. I don't want them to know I have no idea where my so called husband is.

"I went out for a run," he tells me. That explains why he sounds so out of breath.

"Can you come back to the house?," I ask him.

"Why?" I gear him answer.

"Because are parents are here," I explain to him.

There is silent on the other line for a couple of second. I hear a big sigh and that's when Tyler answers me, "Okay I will be back in a couple of minutes." He then hangs up.

I take a deep breath and walk back to the living room, where the parents are. "Tyler went out for a run, but he should be back in a couple of minutes," I explain to all of them.

They all nod in agreement. An awkward silent then falls upon the room. Everyone is just staring at each other. I am so thankful when I hear the front door open.

A sweaty and out of breath Tyler walks in the living room. Everyone greets him and he sits down in one of the couches. I am standing because all of the sits are now taken.

"Emma sit down," my mom orders me.

I look at her confuse. Doesn't she see that all the sits are taken? "Um, all the seats are taken," I inform her. I really shouldn't be telling her this because she should've realize that on her own.

"Well, babe, you can sit on my lap," Tyler says innocently. I glare at him and that makes a smirk appear on his lips.

"Emma just sit down we have something important to tell you two," my mom says anxious.

I slowly walk over to Tyler and sit on his lap. Tyler is all sweaty and I give him a disgust face. The stupid smirk is still on his lips.

"Okay since you two are now married," Diana starts, "we thought you should have a honeymoon so we bought you the tickets."

A HONEYMOON! I thought this couldn't get any worse but it just did.

I look at Tyler who is looking right back at me. The smirk once again appears on his face. I hate that bloody smirk of his so bad.

"Where are we going?" Tyler asks. He looks away from me to his parents.

Both of them smile, "We are sending you to the Bahamas," Blake tells us.

Maybe this won't be so bad. I had always dreamed of going there but never thought I was. Something good finally comes out of marrying Tyler.

I jump right up from Tyler, "Great when are we leaving," I ask them maybe a little too excited.

They all smile brightly at my excitement. "Well honey your flight leaves today at 2:30, so you need to pack and get everything ready," my mom informs both of us.

I quickly look down at my phone. It's 8:45 right now. Did they really have to tell us last minute? Tyler and I both nod and sprint upstairs. All our stuff was already in the house when we got here.

"There are suitcases in the closet," I hear someone yell from downstairs.

I get inside the room and quickly spot the suitcases. I pull two out and leave the rest for Tyler. I begin to grab all the clothes I will need. I pack bikinis, shorts, dresses, and shirts. I don't think I am going to need any pants so I don't pack them. I put my hair curler and straightener, make up, and jewelry in a bag.

Everything in the room has been quite all this time. I look around the room and see that Tyler is still packing. I think this is the longest Tyler has gone without talking. It must be such an accomplishment for him.

I look at the clock on the nightstand and see it's 11:15. I decide I need a shower. I go into the closet and pull out some black leggings along with a white tank top.

I go into the bathroom and start to strip off. I start the shower and get in. The water starts to run through my body. I close my eyes and all the memories from last night start to play. I was so scare that Tyler was actually going to rape me.

Belief me or not this has happen one other time. It wasn't the time in my bedroom when Tyler was doing the same thing. That other time was with my ex-boyfriend, Luke. That time I was 100% sure he was going to rape me. If his brother hadn't walked in on us I would've been rape. I am still very much vergin, but I am sure I would lose it to Tyler someone I hate and can't stand.

I open my eyes up again and quickly finish getting showered. I get out and put my clothes on. I go out to the bedroom and see Tyler is not there. I put some Uggs on and go down to the kitchen. I am starving.

The parents are still here. I grabs some toast and coffee. I start to eat and soon Tyler walks in. He is already dress and has some black and gray sport pants and a black hoodie. He has a white snap back and black Jordans.

"Okay you two we need to go before you miss your flight, so go get all your stuff," my dad tells us.Tyler and I both he'd upstairs to grab our luggage.


Poor Emma she has such bad luck! I need feedback and ideas. You could tell me what you want to happen in the story and I'll see what I can do. Please vote and comment.

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