Chapter 32: One Accident, Three Words

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Hey guy! I decided to skip some chapter, in order to make the story shorter. Don't worry you didn't miss much. Emma is about 7 months and they found out what they are having. Do you want to know? You will have to wait until the end of the chapter. Everyone at school seem to have figured out that Tyler is Emma's husband. Okay that pretty much it, so enjoy the chapter.


I never thought five words would ever scare me so much. I actually never thought I would hear them. You are probably wondering, what the hell is she talking about?

Well let me start from the beginning. I woke up this morning and the first thing I saw was Tyler. My feelings and attidute tours Tyler has truly change since I herd about his older brother. I don't see him as a big tough guy any more. I see him as a guy who didn't know how to handle the pain so he acted out. A guy he truly is sensitive and has feelings. I know this for a fact because he treat me like I'm glass or something that can break. I mean I'm only pregnant, no need to make a big fuss over that.

He greeted me with a small smile and soft 'good morning.' This is the same he has greeted me every morning for the past two months.

"Good morning," I say returning the smile. He sits up and bends down to kiss my bump, which is huge by the way. I slowly get out of bed and go downstairs. Tyler stayed in the room to take a shower. Since I'm downstairs I might as well make some breakfast for the both of us.

By the time Tyler came down I had already finish. I made some pancakes with bacon and eggs. Tyler was dressed in some loose black jean, plain white shirt, and a black lether jacket. I have to admit he looked hot. You could see his abs pressed against his shirt.

"You like what you see?" Tyler asked with a smirk. I hadn't seen that smirk for so long.

I rolled my eyes, "Nope, where are you going anyways?" I ask curiously.

He sat down at the table, where breakfast was already at. "I'm going to take a ride on the motorcycle with some of my friends," he says. He starts to eat and soon we both finish our food. He gives me a quick peck on the cheek and leaves. He has recently gotten in the habit of kissing me, but only on the cheek. I don't really mind, I like it in a way.

Okay I just pretty much told you all my morning but I never mentioned those five words that scared me so much. Now I'm going to tell you. I herd them at about 1:53 in the afternoon over the phone. The words were:

Tyler is in the hospital

I immediately thought something horrible happened to him. Anxiety started to build inside of me. I never do good in bad situations. I told them that I will be there in a few minutes and I hung up. I grabed the keys and go into the Tyler's car. I had to beg him to teach me how to drive and I'm was so thankful I did in that moment.

I'm about 2 minutes away from the hospital right now. I have call Tyler's mom and dad already and they said they will meet me there.

I arrive at the hospital and quickly ask for Tyler. His in room A241. I walk over as quickly as I can, which is not very fast. These two babies sure are heavy. As I reach his room a doctor come out of it.

He look at me, "Hello, do you need any help?" He ask looking down at my bump.

"Yeah, is Tyler Evans in this room?" I ask.

He nods, "Yeah and who are you?" He seems confuse.

"I'm his wife, can I go in and see him?" I feel really irritated with this doctor for some reason.

He looks very surprised, "Yeah sure, he is asleep right now." He give me a quick smile before he walks away.

I push the door open and take in the image in front of me. Tyler is in bed with his eyes close. He has a cast in his leg and another in his hand. This reminds me so much of my dad. Tears automatically begin to fall out of my eyes. I can't lose Tyler like I lost my dad. It would just hurt too much.

I take a sit next to him and reach for his hand. I look at him and it seems like he somehow know I'm here because his beautiful blue eyes open. I give him a week smile.

He returns the smile but it immediately turns into a frown, "Why are you crying?" He is laying in a bed with casts in his arms and legs and he is worried about me crying.

A chuckle escapes my lips, "Well look at you," I say gesturing towards him. My freaking harmones are fucking up my emotions right now so yeah.

He struggles a bit to sit up but he eventually does, "Don't worry about me, you should only worry about those two babies inside of you," he says. He gently puts him hand on top of my stomach.

He looks at me and I look back at him. He gives me a childish smile, "I love you, Emma."

Tyler's P.O.V.

Everything about Emma is beautiful. I don't ever want to see her crying again, at least not from sadness. The way her big green eyes look at me make me melt inside.

"I love you, Emma," I say with a childish smile. I don't expect her to say anything in return. I just want to let her know that my feeling are true, from the first time I admitted to her.

"I love you too," comes out of her lips. My eyes widen at her response. She just told me she loves me.

"What?" I ask in disbelief. I have to be dreaming. I probably hit my head too hard when I fell down the motercycle.

She looks down embarrassed. I grab her chin and make her look at me. I smile, "Do you really mean it?" I'm hopeful. I hope she really does mean it.

She smiles, "Yes Tyler, I mean it I love you." I can't resist myself anymore. I bring my lips down to hers and I kiss her.

Emma's P.O.V.

Both of our lips move in perfect synchronization. I'm finally able to feel his lips again. The lips I have secretly been craving since our last kiss. His soft kiss against mine feel so wrong but so right. Right in this moment I'm sure I want to share my life with him.


Okay are you ready to find out?










BOYS!!!!!!! YAY!!

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