Chapter 6: Rules?!?!

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"Well I left because my mom called me," I say. They look like they still don't belief me. "She called me to tell me that Ryan was there."

"Ryan, who is Ryan?" Ashlee asks. She probably doesn't remember me telling them about Ryan.

"Ryan is Tyler's younger brother," I tell her. She makes her mouth in a O shape when she remembers when I talked about him.

"Why was Ryan waiting for you?" Hayli asks confuse.

"Well he was there to take me to the beach," I say. This makes them look even more confuse.

"Take you to beach?" Hayli asks very confuse," Why was he going to take you to the beach?"

"He took me to the beach because Tyler was waiting for me there," I say looking at both of them. Thank god they are believing me. Well i'm not completely lying. Ryan was here waiting for me and he did take me to the beach.

"Tyler was waiting for you?" Ashlee says in disbelief.

"Yeah, he was waiting to," I say looking down. I don't think what i'm about to say would have ever come out of my mouth. "He was waiting for me so that he could... um... propose."

Ashlee and Hayli both look at each other and start to smile. "Really, he propose?" Ashlee says in disbelief. I nod and a wide smile appears on my face. I never thought I would be smiling over Tyler proposing to me. They both start laughing and I feel myself start to blush.

"Did he give you a ring?" Hayli asks. I nod and they both squeal. "Let me see it," she says exited. I extend my hand and they both look at the ring, admiring it.

They stay over at my house until 11:30. I tell them all the details about how he propose and they say that was totally sweet and how much they wished a guy will propose to them like this. They also talk and talk of how one day, eventually, Tyler and I will fall for each other. I don't think that would ever be possible I mean how could I fall for Tyler, a sexy jerk and player, and how would Tyler fall for me, a ugly nerdy girl. That is just impossible!

The rest of the week flies by I see Tyler everyday, flirting and getting into trouble. We don't talk though Tyler usually just smirks when he passes by me and I just roll my eyes.

I am laying in bed right now texting Jacob, the cute boy I met the first day of school. He is really nice and ,of course, cute. It's Saturday and I have nothing to do all day, so I am dedicating this day to sleeping and just being lazy. I close my eyes and start to drift off in sleep.

I feel someone shaking me and saying, "Emma! wake up." I just groan, roll over, and say 'leave me alone'. I keep saying this until I hear, "My bitch get up," there is just one person who calls me this, Tyler.

I sit up frustrated, "What the fuck do you want Tyler!" I say screaming at him.

"Our parents want us both downstairs."

I groan and throw myself back into the bed, " Tell them I will be there in a couple of minutes," I say to him.

"Okay just hurry up my bitch," he says and leaves the room closing the door.

I get up a couple of seconds before he leaves and I look at myself in the mirror. I look horrible. I have messy hair and I am still in my pajamas. They are probably going to have bad news, so I don't bother getting all dress up for them. I he'd downstairs and see my parents and Tyler parents seating in the couch. Diana smiles at me and I give her a small smile.

"Emma we have something to tell you and Tyler," my mom is the first to speak up. Great!

I raise my eyebrow and Tyler just clears his throat. "You and Tyler are going to be getting married in a week and a half," Diana finish off.  A week and a half? How on Earth can you plan a wedding in a week and a half?!

"How can you plan a wedding in that time?" I ask them confuse and curious.

"Well we have been planning this wedding for the past six months," Diana says smiling. Great, I don't even have a saying in my own wedding! "We almost have everything ready you just need to pick out your dress and Tyler needs to get fitted for his tuxedo," she finishes off. At least I get to pick out my dress.

Tyler nor I say anything we just sit there. We don't have anyway out of this so we should just go with it. Blake, Tyler's dad, speaks up next. "We have some rules you two need to follow when you are married," he looks at both of us.

"What kind of rules," Tyler asks curious.

My dad and Blake both take turn explaining this "rules".

1. You should act like a happy couple in public, even though we may hate each other.

2. Sleep in the same bed.

3. Have no boyfriend/girlfriend or any other romantic interest with anybody, but each other.

4. Have our first child before I'm 21 years old.

The last rule is the one that tops all of them. They were actually serious when they said we had to have children. They say if we brake any of this rules and they find out we broke them they will, one don't give any money to us or two if, we have any children and we break any rule, they would take away the child from us. I think the second one is the worst one. I won't really care about the first one. I think Tyler shares the same opinion, judging by the way he is sitting like when they say the consequences.

When they are finished my mom speaks up, " Both are you aren't going to go to school on Wednesday to have everything finish for the wedding."

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