Chapter 30: Let Yourself Fall

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Tyler's P.O.V.

Twins. How on earth did I get so lucky? My life just gets better and better. I have a beautiful wife and now I'm going to have two beautiful children.

Emma and I are both sitting down in the couch, dumbfounded. This seem so unrealistic.  "Oh my god," Emma whispers to herself.

A huge smile forms on my face. I turn to her, "You are truly beautiful in every single way," I tell her. I can't hide it anymore I need to let her know. Emma looks at me surprise but doesn't say anything, so I take this as a cue to continue, "I love you, Emma, I can't keep this inside of me anymore, I love you."

She looks at me in astonishment. She is just staring at me, like I have two heads or something. The silence is killing me I need her to say something. I am so relieve when I see her mouth open, "I-I don't know what to say to that."

I grin, "It's fine I didn't really expect you to have an answer to this." I kneel down in front of her. I put my hand of the hem of her shirt and I look up at her, "Can I?" I ask. She nods her head yes and I pull her shirt up revealing her baby bump. I gently kiss her bump, "I love you, Emma, I love your eyes, I love every inch of your body, and I love that you are going to give me two beautiful children," I whisper.

Emma's P.O.V.

Everything is so overwhelming. First I find out that I'm not going to have one baby, but two. Now Tyler is confessing his loves for me.

It's scary to know this information about Tyler. I know the way he feels about me and this makes it very dangerous for me. If I let myself fall there is a small chance he won't catch me, even though he says he loves me. This time it would hurt twice as much because he is the father of my children and I would have to live with his rejection the rest of my life.

"Emma let yourself fall," he tells me, staring right into my eyes. It's like he was reading my thoughts.

"I can't," I look away, "Because If I do, I'm afraid you won't be there to catch me."

He grabs both of my hands in his, "I promise you, I promise that I would always be there no matter what," he takes a long pause and just stares into my eyes. He takes a deep breath, "I just need to know if you would go on this crazy adventure with me, the adventure we call love."

He looks at me with begging eyes, "Tyler I need time, I really want to know if your worth it, if your really worth getting my heart broken or letting myself fall in love again." My love is always sincere, when I love you can bet that none of it is fake.

He quickly looks down but looks up at me again. He puts a heart warming smile, "Okay Emma, I will give you all the time you need because we have all our life." He stands up but his eyes still locked on mine.

"Thanks, " I mutter.

I stand up and pull him into a hug. His body tenses up but quickly relaxes. He wraps his arms around me. He rest his head on the crook of my neck. I feel his smile against my skin, "I love you so fucking much!" He starts to kiss my neck.

Even though my mind tells me to get away from him right now, my heart tells me he won't do anything to me. He trails kisses up my neck but stops right before he gets to my lips. He places another firm kiss on my cheek and just walks away, leaving me wishing for more.

I let a long sigh leave my lips and I sit down again. I grab my phone to check the time, 3:43. In the process I notice I have a message from Hayli. I open the message,  hey! Ash and I r coming over to ur house BIG NEWS! Oh, I also have big news for them.

I can already imagine their faces. They are going to have the same face I- knock. There was a knock in the door which interrupted me. I get up and open the door. Ashlee and Hayli were both standing in the door way.

"Hey! Come on in," I stepped to the side to let them in. They both entered and pulled me with them to the couch.

"Sit!" Ashlee ordered, I did as I was told. "I have good news and bad news." Something very good and very bad has happen. Ashlee almost never gave "news" out so they must be good news.

"Okay, I have news too," I tell her, "Let me here the bad news first."

She looks at Hayli, who take a deep breath, "Everyone at school knows your married to Tyler and that's your pregnant."

Something in me strongly says Luke had something to do with this. He said he knows everything that has been going on in my life, so yeah. I take a deep breath, "Okay, what's the good news?"

Ashlee smiles widely, "Ryan asked me out!" She squeals.

"Oh my gosh! Congrats," I tell her while I hug her. I always knew both of them would end up together.

"So what's is your news?" Hayli asks after Ashlee has calmed down.

A smile appears on my face again, "Okay so you know how I had an appointment today," they both nod, "Well while Tyler and I were there we found out that you both are now going to help me take care of two babies."

Both of their mouths are open. "Holly fucken crap!" Is the first thing that leaves Hayli's mouth. I can't help but laugh, Hayli is the purest out of the three of us. So Hayli swearing like that always take me aback.

"Are you serious?" Ashlee asks.

I nod, "Yeah, there's two babies," I say holding up two fingers.

They both hug me, "How did Tyler react?" Hayli asks.

"He was shock," I tell them.

I explain everything that happen when Tyler and I got home. Ashlee being the one the love expert tell me she knew Tyler would fall in love with them. They both tell me a bunch of cheesy shit, too. I just laugh at whatever they


I have been very low on inspiration lately, so this chapter is crappy. Many things are going on in my life right now and many people are leaving it too :( People I don't necessarily want out of it. But here is another chapter, vote and comment!

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